Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2222: Hand in to kill

Chapter 2222 is handed in to kill

His uncle, the seventh-level priest of light in the Seven-Star City, is the most noble existence in the Seven-Star City.

These people did not give the statue of his uncle Liao Qi'an as a sign of worship, but gave this honor to this untouchable. It is unreasonable!

I really hope that my uncle can arrive right away and kill all Kecheng Lord Mohuang and others.

Perhaps Liao Yongfu has been really unlucky lately, this time it finally turned around.

Just as he had such expectation in his heart, a white light suddenly exploded in the air, stabbing everyone in the room unable to open their eyes.

Liao Qi'an walked out of this white light and was overjoyed when he saw the lively scene below.

The spirit races in these seven-star cities are considered to be highly appreciated, knowing that he will return today, so they specially gathered in front of the Guangming Temple in the middle of the city to welcome him.

But Liao Qi'an soon discovered something was wrong.

Why is there a statue of a strange woman standing in front of his temple of light!

This statue is still so big, completely blocking the front of the Temple of Light.

"Who did this on earth!"

Liao Yongan was furious, hovering in the air, pointed at the jade carving of Jun Mohuang, and asked sharply.

Jun Mohuang looked at Liao Yongan floating in the air.

The incoming person is a middle-aged person, and his actual age must be over several hundred years old.

He was wearing a white robe like a cloud, and a seven-petal lotus was embroidered with gold thread on the collar.

A faint white light lingered behind him, giving this person a sense of holiness and immortality with his ordinary features.

Jun Mohuang's eyes narrowed slightly, this was the seventh-level priest of light in the heavenly spirit world.

"Ah, the priest is back!"

"Congratulations on the return of the priest."

The white light dimmed, and the spirit races finally saw that it was Liao Yongan, and each spirit race showed a respectful look.

Jun Mohuang keenly captured the emotions of these spirit races.

Their respect to Liao Yongan is completely from the heart, without any falsehood.

This shows that the priest of light has a high status in the city corresponding to him.

"Priest, this jade sculpture is..."

City Lord Ke was overjoyed.

Seven Star City has the help of Emperor Mohuang to keep their children.

Now that the priest has also returned from the spiritual capital, it is truly a double happiness.

City Lord Ke can't wait to introduce Jun Mohuang to Liao Yongan, can't wait to share his joy with him.

The Lord Ke walked two steps forward, before he had time to explain to Liao Yongan what the jade carving was about.

In the shadows, Liao Yongfu saw the appearance of Liao Qi'an, immediately threw off his crutches, rushed to the front at a speed of 100 meters, and squeezed the Lord Ke to the front.

"Uncle, you are finally back!"

"This statue was planted by the untouchables surnamed Jun by City Lord Ke and all the spiritual people in Seven Star City!"

"Uncle, this uncle surnamed Jun killed forty-eight lives in our Liao family, leaving our Liao family without heirs, and causing my nephew to be beaten many times. Uncle, you have to be fair to your nephew!"

At this time, Liao Yongfu's expression was like an abandoned puppy seeing the owner.

I can't wait to step forward and hug his thigh.

"No... not like this..."

When Lord Ke heard Liao Yongfu rushing out, he was talking nonsense, and couldn't help but change his face.

"Okay, very good, you even took advantage of the priest's absence to bully the priest's family, and give back to this kind of untouchable tree statue, you are really turning the head!"

"City Lord Ke, this priest orders you to destroy this statue immediately and hand over the untouchables to this priest to kill!"

Liao Qi'an had long learned from the sound transmission jade talisman that Liao Yongfu had been bullied miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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