Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2220: Refused at first

Chapter 2220 was rejected at the beginning

This time he must take this opportunity to pull the old man down.

"Everyone, the spirit race is about to be in chaos, please be born with the old man to benefit the whole spirit race."

When the high priest thought of this, the corners of his lips filled with pride.

He stood up from the futon and waved his arms in awe.

"Yes, high priest."

After the high priest finished speaking, the cloud-like sleeves flicked, and the whole person turned into a white light, penetrating the palace.

"Yes, high priest."

Behind the high priest, the priests of all levels sitting on the white futon also stood up and turned into white lights, penetrating the palace.

The priest of light who followed the high priest was half gone, and the entire palace became more and more empty.

"Priest Wisdom, what are we going to do."

The remaining priests all looked at the priest Zhi ahead.

Elder Zhi said: "You go back to your respective cities first, pay close attention to the movements of all parties, and report all suspicious or unusual news immediately."

He always felt that this matter was strange.

the other side.

The high priest turned into a dazzling white light and descended into the temple of light where the spirit belonged to him.

The other priests who followed him also went to the city where they were.

The distribution of cities in the Celestial Spirit World is ring-shaped, and the spirits are the only first-class cities, located in the center.

The lower the level of the city, the farther away from the spiritual capital, the farthest level 7 city.

Liao Qi'an happens to be a seventh-level priest of light. It takes five days for him to reach the Seven Star City from Lingdu.

Not long after he left Lingdu, Chuanyin Yufu received a message.

Liao Qi'an lights up the sound transmission jade to accept, his indifferent expression suddenly becomes extremely angry.

Someone dared to bully Liao's family and his nephew.

Seven Star City Lord, Yan Zhengqi, Master Zhong, and the untouchable surnamed Jun, very good!

I really thought that if he was not born, his relatives could bully at will!

Five days later, he will use the identity of the priest of light to kill all these people!

Five days later, Seven Star City.

In the past few days, all pregnant women in Qixing City showed signs of miscarriage.

Because of the presence of Jun Mohuang, these spirit races are highly vigilant, and when they find that they are unwell, they ran to Jun Mohuang's hospital.

No pregnant woman has a true miscarriage.

The propaganda of City Lord Ke and the signs of miscarriage by the pregnant women of the Spirit Race did indeed appear in the two nearby cities.

The city lord of the two cities near the city of Seven Stars and the city lord Ke had made good relations. Seeing that the situation was indeed as the city lord Ke said, he immediately mobilized all pregnant women of the spiritual race to go to the city of seven stars.

If a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, three lives will be lost.

Neither city owner can bear this responsibility, regardless of whether these spiritual pregnant women and their families believe it or not, whether they want it or not, they will be sent by force.

During these five days, Jun Mohuang treated all pregnant women in Seven Star City and the two nearby cities.

She has gained a lot of light power.

So far, Jun Mohuang has obtained the power of the light source contributed by 80% of the spirit races in these three nearby cities.

Seven Star City even reached 100%.

At first, the pregnant women and their families in the other two cities complained, but after seeing Jun Mohuang's skills, they all turned into admiration and admiration for her.

Because of her existence, the Seven Star City and the pregnant mothers and children of the two nearby cities are safe.

The three city owners and the spirit races in the three cities all thought that this was a miracle.

The creator of this miracle is Jun Mohuang.

In order to express their gratitude, City Lord Ke and the two City Lords both decided to worship the statue of Emperor Mohuang in the center of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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