Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2219: A lotus

Chapter 2219 One-petal Lotus

The girl in white took the key, her white wings spread out from behind, and flew high.

The spiritual capital of the heavenly spirit world is surrounded by mountains.

The mountain range that surrounds the capital city is called the mountain of light.

The heavenly spirit world is the largest, and the main hall of the Guangming Temple, which controls all the light temples in the heavenly spirit world, is located at the highest point of the mountain range.

The majestic palace rises from the ground, straight into the sky.

Every palace is covered with a thick layer of ice.

The girl in white flew over the largest palace in the Temple of Light, spreading her palm, and a crystal key appeared in her palm.

She looked at the key, her lips twitched.

The white-clothed girl threw the crystal key upwards. The small crystal key was good at facing the wind and turned into a huge key hundreds of meters long.

A piercing white light flashed in the air.

Wherever the white light went, it shone on the palaces, and the ice on the palaces immediately shattered and fell.

"The Queen of God, this time the Queen of God is calling, I don't know what to send."

In the largest palace, the shadow of an old man appeared in the air.

The old man was wearing a white priest's gown with gold inlaid with gold, and the golden lotus on his collar, which represented the first-class priest of light, was shining in the sky.

He respectfully saluted the girl in white, and his face was extremely respectful.

The white-clothed girl said: "The spiritual races in the seventh-level cities of the Heavenly Spirit Realm have begun large-scale small births. I hope you will heal them."

"Yes, the Queen of God, his subordinates will definitely complete the Queen's entrustment."

The old man saluted the girl in white again and returned to the palace with a flash of phantom.

The white-clothed girl showed satisfaction, her white wings shook behind her back and returned to the shrine.

Within the largest palace of the Temple of Light.

Hundreds of people in white are sitting on the white futon.

There are males and females among them, and their ages range from teens to hundreds of years old.

The priestly rank marks on the collar range from one-petal lotus to seven-petal lotus.

Hundreds of priests were divided into two camps, sitting cross-legged in the north and south.

"High priest, the queen suddenly awakened us, what is the matter?"

The old man who was of the same lotus level as the old man just opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes were old and muddy, but he couldn't hide the wise light in his eyes.

This old man was the priest of wisdom in the Temple of Light, and his status was equal to that of the high priest.

Go to see the old man in the white-clothed girl, who is also the high priest.

Among the hundreds of priests of light in the heavenly spirit world, only these two priests of the level of a petal of lotus represent the first-level priests, and their status is the highest among all priests of light.

"There is a large-scale miscarriage of spiritual women in the seven-level city of the heavenly spirit world, and neither the alchemist nor the existing pill can be cured. The **** queen ordered me to return to my respective city immediately to help all the spiritual people get through this Second crisis."

In the answer of the high priest, the girl in white was very respectful.

"Small production on a large scale? Why didn't the old man notice it?"

Priest Zhi frowned slightly, and the spirit tribe valued his children very much. If this matter is true, it would be a major event.

The higher the level of the priests, the more sensitive they are to the major events of the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm, but the wisdom priests did not notice anything.

This matter made him feel weird.

"I'm afraid it's because the priest Zhi is very old and doesn't feel so sensitive. When the queen said so, she must have got the order of the god. Can the **** still lie and deceive us."

The high priest smiled slightly, but there was a slight sneer in the smile.

The old man stepped into the coffin with one foot and refused to give up the position of priest, which made his son unable to take the position.

(End of this chapter)

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