Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2218: Best not to overdo

Chapter 2218 is best not to be too much

Except for the last time she was rescued in a crisis, no matter what she did, the heart of the source completely ignored it.

The leader of the shadow man is right, the power of the light source is indeed miraculous.

The girl in white was happy for a few seconds, and soon began to worry.

The power of this light source is obviously not enough for the heart of the origin to fully recognize the Lord.

No, it is far from enough.

The collapse of the spirit tribe army's body has been controlled by her, where can she get the follow-up light source power...

"Don't worry about this, the deity has already arranged it for you. In the past few days, there have been signs of large-scale small-scale production in the seven-level city of the heavenly spirit world."

"This sign will soon spread to the sixth and fifth-level cities, from the inside to the outside, slowly spreading to the spiritual capital. The spiritual alchemist and the pill will not work."

"These spirit races managed to get pregnant, and under large-scale miscarriage, their hearts were panicked. As long as you appear in the image of a savior at the right time, you can gain a lot of power from the light source."

The Sombra boss had arranged everything in the morning.

"My lord is really amazing!"

The girl in white couldn't help but look at the black shadow leader with admiration.

This person was arrogant and arrogant towards her.

The white-clothed girl is still a little unhappy about this, and now that she has seen how powerful the black shadow boss is, she will forget all these unhappiness.

The spirit race cares most about the heirs, which are more important than their own lives.

Suddenly, this phenomenon appeared on a large scale, and all the pills and alchemists were useless.

She can imagine how desperate the spirits will be.

And her appearance is to give them hope in despair.

She allows these spirit races to survive in desperation, and the power of the light source she will harvest will be thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, that of the spirit race army.

It shouldn't be a problem to let the Heart of Origin completely hold back the incubation.

The girl in white was in agitated mood, wishing that time would pass quickly, and it would be the day when the heart of the origin would recognize the Lord.

"In order to gather the power of the light source to the greatest extent, it is best to use the power of the Temple of Light. Let the priests of light return to their respective cities and behave like a rescue. The priests of light can't be saved. You have a way to heal. Thank you and treat you like a god."

"You'd better not have too many things like the power of the light source. The more you have, the stronger the colorful divine light hatched by the heart of the source."

The black shadow leader gave the girl in white again a bad idea.

"Okay! My lord's means, I will go to Brother Chen."

The girl in white is full of heart, and the leader of the black shadow man is powerful.

In the Temple of Light, the priests of the light in the heavenly spirit world are in a state of retreat when nothing major happens, and cannot and cannot intervene in all affairs.

For this reason, the high priest of the Temple of Light is hers, and she can't use the power of the Temple of Light all year round.

Now that the black shadow man leader uses Youlanhua to muddy the water in this pool of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the power in her hands can finally be used.

The girl in white rushed away excitedly and went to find Luo Chen.

Since she was abused by Jun Mohuang in the Bafang Profound Realm, Luo Chen has always treated her very well.

Of course, the white-clothed girl knew very well in her heart that Luo Chen was kind to her, not that she was being bullied by Jun Mohuang.

It was that she was rescued by the Heart of Origin, and once again proved her identity to Luo Chen.

The girl in white found Luo Chen this time, and only said a few words to wake up the priest of the Temple of Light to help take care of the fetuses of the Spirit Race. Luo Chen didn't ask anything, and gave her the key to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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