Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2214: Dig the corner of Luochen 2

Chapter 2214 Digging Luochen's Corner 2

Wu Qianyong grinned, and before the word "Shenjun" was spoken, Shifeng slapped him on the back of his forehead.

"You don't want to live anymore, don't make trouble for the boss!"

Shi Feng looked serious and gave Wu Qianyong a fierce look.

It's a real death, saying such things in the heavenly spirit world is for fear that Luo Chen doesn't know if it is.

Wu Qianyong knew that he had failed, and immediately covered his mouth.

"There is no need to be so nervous. This is just the most remote city in the Heavenly Spirit World. Luo Chen is now busy thinking about how to turn over and win the battle, and won't pay attention to it. But it is better not to say this next time."

Jun Mohuang didn't care much.

"Your Majesty Empress, Your Majesty Empress, or you are really like what Brother Wu said. The aura of the heavenly spirit world is so good, don't miss it!"

The Dragon Race immediately leaned over and looked at Jun Mohuang eagerly.

If Jun Mohuang really becomes the **** of the heavenly spirit world, they must move their lair to the heavenly spirit world.

"let me try."

Jun Molue smiled helplessly, this group of people was really scary.

Within a few days of arriving at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Luo Chen's idea of ​​the Heavenly Spirit Realm came up, and he wanted to dig Luo Chen's corner.

It was true that Luo Chen was made of paper, and fell down as soon as the wind blows, so it was so easy to deal with.

"Yeah, yeah, long live your majesty!"

The dragons cheered.

All the people in Qixing City were very happy, except for the Liao family.

In Liao's family, Liao Yongfu felt the most aggrieved.

He was arrested that day in the City Lord's Mansion and beaten up all night, and he could barely get out of bed until now.

Liao Yongfu has always been unwilling. His uncle, who is the priest of the light, is far away in the spiritual capital and cannot be relied on.

After thinking about it, in the entire Seven-Star City, only Master Zhong has the same status as the Lord Lord, and even Master Zhong has a higher status.

Liao Yongfu couldn't wait until Master Zhong finally finished his medicine retreat, dragging his unhealed body, immediately went to see Master Zhong.

Liao Yongfu's remarks about Master Zhong were also very simple. He said that an untouchable of the spirit race had come to the city, not even an apprentice of a pharmacist, so he played the name of a master pharmacist and scammed everywhere.

Even the Lord Lord and all the people in Seven Star City were deceived by her cunning methods.

Master Zhong has always been jealous of evil and has taken medicine refining very seriously, and there is no room for sand in his eyes.

He just retreats and fails to refine the high-level pill.

Hearing that someone was cheating under the guise of a refiner in Seven Star City, he immediately exploded.

It was too late to check, and immediately rushed to Jun Mohuang's hospital to find Jun Mohuang.

Liao Yongfu smiled triumphantly on his lips when he saw Master Zhong go in a hurry.

With Master Zhong's temperament, rushing to Jun Mohuang, he would definitely fight without saying anything.

He will never give up without hitting the opponent seriously injured and admitting his mistake.

It is best to kill Jun Mohuang directly, anyway, she is a liar.

Humph, why Jun Mohuang successively cured the Ke family's female relatives and other spiritual pregnant women in the city. All this was a conspiracy between City Lord Ke and Jun Mohuang to wipe their Liao family from the Seven Star City.

Kecheng must have taken the initiative to do anything in the city.

He Liao Yongfu will never let the treacherous tricks of City Lord Ke and Jun Mohuang succeed, he wants to pass

Liao Yongfu didn't go anywhere this time, and just sat in Master Zhong's house waiting for the good news.

the other side.

Master Zhong rushed to Jun Mohuang's hospital, broke in, and didn't even have time to say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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