Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2215: The venue is too hard

Chapter 2215 The scene is too hard

Jun Mohuang raised his eyes and glanced at him, his tone was light, but he hit the point.

"Andrographis seeds have two more flames, and the fruit of the earth is less than five flames. As a result, the two medicinal materials cannot be perfectly matched and blended. Therefore, the Pinxin Pill you refined for the past few days of retreat failed to refine."

"You... how do you know that I am retreating to refine the heart pill these days, and I failed to retreat..."

Master Zhong's anger was poured out by her words, and it was instantly extinguished.

What kind of medicine he was going to refine in retreat, even the people around him did not know how she knew.

The most frightening thing is that Master Zhong has been unable to figure out why he failed in refining medicine.

After Jun Mohuang's call, he suddenly enlightened and realized that it was really the case.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the clothes behind him: "The medicinal gas on your clothes tells me everything."

Master Zhong bowed his head and smelled himself, only a very weak pill fragrance.

If he hadn't just refined the Pinxin Pill himself, he wouldn't know exactly which pill he had.

She even made it clear wherever the problem occurred when he made the pill.

The girl in front of her must be a master alchemist.

"Master, Master, what's the matter with the few heats you just mentioned?"

All the angry expressions on Master Zhong's face disappeared, replaced by expressions of respect and admiration.

"That's it. It's very simple to count the heat with mental energy. You can master it by going back and practicing more."

Jun Mohuang stretched out her white fingertips, and a touch of ink flame bounced at her fingertips.

Spiritual power wrapped the flames invisibly and dispersed them into hundreds of ink-colored flames, which were as thin as silk threads, suspended in the air.

Jun Mohuang's finger lightly tapped, and all the black flames in the air were taken back by her.

"Big...Master, thank you for your advice!"

Master Zhong looked excited, with excitement, immediately ran home.

It took less than a minute from Master Zhong appeared to run away.

Wu Qianyong looked a little dumbfounded, "Why is this old man here? Seeing his angry expression just now, I thought he was here to smash the scene!"

As a result, he was about to make preparations, and this person was dismissed by Jun Mohuang and ran away.

Feng Yun laughed more and more: "I came to hit the place. The place was too hard and was shocked, hahaha!"

"Speaking of the boss, it doesn't really matter if you tell her how to control the heat like this, in case he is going to spread, let other spirit race alchemists also know what to do."

Feng Yunqi was a little worried.

He has been with Jun Mohuang for so long, and he also knows that Jun Mohuang's method can only be used by demon alchemists.

After all, the spirit race and the demon race are rivals, so the threat is too great for the spirit race alchemists to master this core secret.

"What's the matter, there is competition to achieve development and breakthroughs. Moreover, I demonstrated to him, and did not tell the specific number of flames for each medicinal material. Can't find it out."

Jun Mohuang didn't care at all.

Each kind of medicinal material has different heat conditions in different elixir. There are so many kinds of medicinal materials in each elixir, which is an extremely huge project.

The alchemists of the Demon Race can learn it because she has told them these most critical data without reservation.

Master Zhong rushed to the house excitedly, but he didn't even know that there was such a way to control the heat!

(End of this chapter)

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