Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2213: Dig the corner of Luochen

Chapter 2213 Digging Luochen's Corner

I knew this pregnant woman even more, and people who knew her came forward to prove that she could not cheat, and it was even more impossible to know Jun Mohuang before.

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, another guard from the City Lord's Mansion carried a bleeding pregnant woman to Jun Mohuang's hospital.

Like the previous pregnant woman, the two pregnant women gushing blood, their faces are dead white, and they are like gossips.

No, even the symptoms of these two people are worse than the previous pregnant woman.

The two were sent to the hospital one after another. In less than a minute, the two pregnant women who stepped into the ghost gate returned to normal and walked out of the hospital.

Without exception, they were all grateful to Jun Mohuang and wanted to kneel down for her.

"From this point of view, this is true! Lord City Lord didn't lie to us, my God, the alchemist with such good medical skills came to our Seven-Star City, it is really the blessing of our Seven-Star City!"

In three consecutive cases, all the spirit races who watched the excitement outside the medical hall were taken in a daze.

This speed is absolutely absolute, the key is to be so fast, it really saved people back.

After witnessing three cases one after another, no matter how shocked they were, they had to believe it.

"It's normal for you to have doubts before, but you have seen the facts. If anyone around you shows signs of miscarriage, you must come to the hospital to find me as soon as possible. I will treat you for free, and you won't get any money."

Jun Mohuang walked out of the medical hall slowly, scanning all the spirit races slowly.

"Master Jun is kind-hearted. We doubted you just now. I'm really sorry!"

"Master Jun rest assured, if this happens, we will definitely come to you!"

The sight of the three pregnant women bleeding heavily just now was really scary.

There are pregnant women in their family, and they dare not take it lightly.

Thinking of this, these people no longer have the intention of staying outside the hospital, and hurried home to check whether their daughters, wives and others are well.

After these three pregnant women, the guards of the city lord’s mansion successively drove more than a dozen pregnant women with signs of miscarriage.

Because the propaganda and preparation work of the Lord Ke was in place, the speed from discovery to delivery to the hospital was extremely fast.

These pregnant women were all cured by Jun Mohuang, and the mother and child were safe.

Gradually, some pregnant women were afraid that they would not come to the clinic in time, so they simply stayed near the clinic every day, and when they showed signs of miscarriage, they would run into the city by their families.

In just three short periods of time, Jun Mohuang treated more than 500 pregnant women of the Spirit Race.

This speed of acquiring the power of the light source is extremely amazing.

Often once a pregnant woman is saved, she will reap the recognition and admiration of the pregnant woman and her family, as well as the power of the light source.

As her reputation in the city gradually became known, all the spiritual races worshipped her as the savior.

Some people even went home secretly and placed a longevity tablet for Jun Mohuang to worship every day.

There are so many things delivered to the hospital every day.

"My God, I'm so exhausted! How can these Spirit Race people be so enthusiastic."

Feng Yunqi pounded his waist.

He just sorted out all the things that the Spirit Clan in Seven Star City gave to Jun Mohuang, and he was so tired that he could barely straighten his waist.

"The fertility rate of the spirit races has always been low. The boss helped them keep their offspring. Of course they are enthusiastic."

"That's right, you haven't seen the boss going out these days, the spirit races are all looking at her with incomparable respect, and they can't wait to sacrifice her as a god."

"Hehehe, if we continue at this speed, our hometown might still become the **** of the heavenly spirit world..."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you 0728, Xiaoguang and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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