Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2212: Show off

Chapter 2212 Show your skills

Isn't that cursing that there is a problem with the child in his belly?

If it weren't for the Lord Ke's personal presence and the Yan family, the female family members of the Ke family were indeed saved by Jun Mohuang, they would definitely think Jun Mohuang was a liar.

One of the pregnant women of the Spirit Race waved and said, "It's gone, it's gone. This kind of thing will definitely not happen to us. It's important for everyone to go back to rest and have a baby."

"Yes, let's go home."

The pregnant women of the spirit tribe believed it very much, and went home separately.

"Ah! My stomach... my stomach hurts!"

These spirit tribe pregnant women have not left a few steps yet, the spirit tribe pregnant woman who started talking to let everyone disperse suddenly clutched her belly and let out a painful cry.

A feeling of falling came from her lower abdomen, as if something couldn't stand it and was about to fall.

"Blood... She bleeds! She bleeds a lot!"

Someone was immediately attracted by her shouting, and when they looked back, they saw the half of the pregnant woman's skirt stained with blood.

"My God, someone really shows signs of miscarriage!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"Help! My child!"

Feeling the blood pouring out continuously, the pregnant woman's face was pale, and she panicked instantly.

"Quickly, get out of the way!"

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion immediately evacuated the crowd, carried the pregnant woman, and rushed to Jun Mohuang's medical hall as quickly as possible.

"Where are you going?"

"It must be to that master Jun's medical clinic!"

"Let's go take a look and see if this Master Jun has the real ability, or has it out."

Behind the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, a large number of spiritual people followed.

Jun Mohuang's medical hall was not far from here. When the guards of the City Lord's Mansion arrived with the pregnant woman who was showing signs of miscarriage, the pregnant woman had already lost too much blood and was unconscious.

She lost blood too quickly, leaving a pool of shocking blood on the streets she passed.

These bloodstains attracted more spirit tribe civilians who watched the excitement.

These spirit tribe civilians saw the people being sent in, and started a discussion outside the hospital of Jun Mohuang.

"You said, this Master Jun can really save people back?"

"I don't think it's possible. When I didn't see people being framed, they were all bloodless and fainted. Our spirit race is inherently fragile in fertility and it is impossible to save them."

"Yes, not to mention this so-called Master Jun. We have never heard of her name before. I think it was mostly a coincidence that she rescued the family members of the Yan family and the City Lord family."

The people of the Spirit Race will be suspicious of Jun Mohuang's medical skills, and even more do not believe it.

However, only a few seconds after they finished the discussion, the pregnant woman who passed out just now turned red and came out on her own full of energy.

Her complexion has returned to normal, and her mental state is better than usual.

"Mengniang, you are fine, that's great!"

The husband of this pregnant woman from the spiritual tribe rushed to hear the news and knelt down at the entrance of the hospital immediately when he saw that his wife and children were all right.

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!"

Outside the hospital, all the spirit races onlookers were shocked.

If it weren't for the dried up blood on her skirt and the ground, they wouldn't believe that this was a person who showed signs of miscarriage and was bleeding so much that he almost died.

"My God, it's such a miracle, shouldn't it be a trust!"

"No, so much blood loss, and the look she was just now, it's impossible to fake it."

There are spiritual suspicions, and they try their best to refute with evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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