Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2211: What did he do wrong!

Chapter 2211 What did he do wrong!

Jun Mohuang also agreed with City Lord Ke's approach.

"Well, Master Jun is really compassionate."

City Master Ke took Jun Mohuang to express her gratitude again, because she planned to stay in Seven Star City, which was tantamount to saving the life of City Master Ke and his family.

City Lord Ke was even more grateful to Jun Mohuang, and before he knew it, he gave a lot of light source power to Jun Mohuang.

Lord Ke respectfully sent Jun Mohuang back to the hospital, and he couldn't help but rejoice.

In the future, other people's homes in Seven Star City showed signs of miscarriage. As long as she is there, everything will not go wrong.

Fortunately, he went in time and had a clear head, otherwise he would really be fooled by Liao Yongfu.

By then he and the entire Ke family will have to finish playing.

This Liao Yongfu almost killed him.

"Come here, go and drag the Liao Family Patriarch over, beat him up all night, and throw it back."

The more he thought about it, the more angry he got, but he didn't have the authority to kill the Liao Family Patriarch, so he could only continue to fight for relief.

On a certain street in Qixing City.

Lord Liao Yongfu, who was beaten with a swollen nose, was lying on the street, dragging his body forward with difficulty.

It was completely dark at this time, and there was no one on the street.

His sound transmission jade talisman was also shattered when he was punched and kicked by the guards of the city lord's palace.

With an angry expression on Liao Yongfu's face, he scolded both Jun Mohuang and City Lord Ke bloody.

He thought it was Jun Mohuang who had a miserable night, but he did not expect that it was indeed himself who was beaten up.

Liao Yongfu was angrily not cursing the two of them. There was a slight shock on the ground, and there was a sound of uniform footsteps from far to near.

Liao Yongfu raised his head laboriously, before he had time to see who the person was, he was suddenly lifted up.

"Found it, this is no doubt Patriarch Liao."

Under the tousled hair, Patriarch Liao's face was swollen like a pig's head.

Liao Yongfu was overjoyed.

The visitor turned out to be the guard of the City Lord's Mansion.

It must be Jun Mohuang who failed the treatment of the city lord's wife and the female relatives of the Ke family, and the city lord found him back and apologized to him!

"Dare to spread rumors and slander Master Jun. Hurry up and drag him back. The Lord of the City has ordered him to come down. He must be beaten all night and be careful not to kill anyone."

Liao Yongfu's heart of joy was broken.

He thought Lord City Lord would invite him back, and apologized to him in a kind manner. He didn't expect Lord City Lord to beat him up again.

What did he do wrong!

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion were only Liao Yongfu's collar, dragging him back to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Let go of the owner, let go of the owner!"

"The head of the family is the head of the Liao family, and the head of the family is the priest of the light of the Seven Star City. You are so bold..."

Liao Yongfu didn't want to continue to be beaten, and while struggling desperately, he threatened loudly.

The one who responded to him was a hand knife of the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, which directly smashed him into speechlessness.

On the second day, City Lord Ke did as he promised that night, telling all pregnant women about signs of miscarriage and the fact that Jun Mohuang’s medical clinic could help them keep their fetuses, let everyone in Seven Star City know.

City Lord Ke even posted notices at various intersections in the city.

Several guards of the City Lord’s Mansion stood beside the notice, and the guards were staring at the pregnant women of the Spirit Race.

As long as one of them has an abnormal body, they will immediately take them to Jun Mohuang's hospital.

The spirit races surrounding the notice will be suspicious.

After all, they are now in good health and are full of expectations for the children in their abdomen. Who would believe that signs of miscarriage will soon appear.

(End of this chapter)

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