Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2196: The power of the first light source 2

Chapter 2196 The power of the first light source 2

Yan Rui's bloodless face quickly became flushed, and the sunken eye sockets and haggard complexion would return to normal.

Jun Mohuang flipped her wrist, and a silver needle gleamed, intertwined with her ten fingers.

As the ten fingers shook lightly, each silver needle flashed a white light, which accurately pierced Yan Rui's abdomen.

A few seconds later, Yan Rui was completely stopped bleeding.

With the nourishment of five drops of golden spiritual spring, Yan Rui woke up immediately after hemostasis.

She is now relaxed, full of vitality, and full of energy, completely opposite to the state of extreme weakness just now.

More importantly, all the children in her womb are there, safe and sound.

Yan Rui reached out to touch her belly, jumped off the bed, and knelt directly to Jun Mohuang.

"Master, master! Thank you, master, for your help, please be respected by the little girl!"

She thought that she could not save her life today, or that she might be lucky enough to save her life, but the flesh and blood in her abdomen would definitely be miscarried.

Unexpectedly, in her desperate moment, a young master alchemist suddenly came and pulled her back from the ghost gate.

"Don't be grateful, it is difficult for your body to support the continued development of the fetus in your body. Taking this pill can guarantee you and your child a worry-free future. But the price is that you will not be able to give birth again."

Jun Mohuang helped her up and sat down to other places in the house that were not stained with blood.

Maybe it is because after taking back her own Huang Jing from the white-clothed girl, she will become a mother. When facing children and pregnant women, Jun Mohuang's heart is also much softer.

"It doesn't matter, Master, Rui Er and the children in her belly will never forget the great kindness of the Master."

Yan Rui grasped Jun Mohuang's hand tightly, looking excited.

Jun Mohuang treated Yan Rui well, and when she walked out of the cabin, the power of a mung bean-sized light source appeared in her sea of ​​anger.

Jun Mohuang felt the power of this light source, and the corners of his lips slightly curled up.

As long as they are recognized and admired by the spirit people, they can obtain the power of the light source.

The power of the light source depends on the strength and blood level of the people who recognize and admire her.

This is the first wealth she has harvested in the heavenly spirit world.

Yan Zhengqi saw Jun Mohuang coming out and immediately ran into the cabin.

When he saw his fully recovered daughter, Yan Zhengqi was overjoyed, and a tear flowed from his red eyes.

"Master, benefactor, please be worshipped by the villain..."

Yan Zhengqi immediately knelt down to Jun Mohuang.

Another light source power slightly larger than the one just now appeared in the sea of ​​Qi of Jun Mo Phoenix, and the power of this light source came from Yan Zhengqi.

Jun Mohuang said: "Patriarch is not welcome, we still hurry up and treat other female relatives."

"Yes, yes, it's all arranged by the master."

Yan Zhengqi naturally had no objection to Jun Mohuang's proposal.

"Father, is there a pharmacist here? Let her show her daughter quickly!"

At the Liao family's side, Liao Xian'er heard the conversation coming from outside, half propped up, and yelled eagerly.

Liao Yongfu dismissed it: "What a pharmacist is just a liar. Look at it, Xian'er, you won't have anything to do!"

"But father, the daughter is really uncomfortable. The daughter is cold and weak. She feels like she is going to die..."

Liao Xian'er is now weak in fighting for a chance for herself to be treated.

"What is dying, don't talk nonsense! The noble family members in Lingdu are all conceiving by this method, and none of them have experienced physical abnormalities. This matter has been personally approved by the lord, you will be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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