Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2197: Just the beginning

Chapter 2197 is just the beginning

"Don't look at Yan's family who invited a so-called apprentice to the alchemist. That wild girl doesn't understand anything. Yan Zhengqi's daughter will definitely be killed by her. Xian'er, you will thank your father for having a pair of insights and keep it Your life."

Liao Yongfu triumphed.

A few minutes later, Jun Mohuang successfully treated Yan Rui. Yan Rui and Yan Zhengqi were grateful to Jun Mohuang for the things that made Liao Yongfu never expected.

"How could this happen! How could that wild girl really cure people!"

There was no way for the pill in their hands, he did not believe that Jun Mohuang had this ability.

What surprised Liao Yongfu is still to come.

Jun Mohuang walked out of the cabin where Yan Rui was located, and entered the residence of the other female relatives of the Yan family.

Before she entered, the women kept uttering painful and muffled voices, obviously in extreme pain.

Less than a minute after she entered, the painful low voices of all the female relatives of Yan's family gradually disappeared, and soon, those extremely weak female relatives rushed to express their gratitude to Jun Mohuang.

"Father, it seems, it seems that the girl just now can really be cured..."

Liao Xian'er heard the sound coming from outside, and she became energetic.

"No... impossible!"

Liao Yongfu couldn't believe it.

There must be a problem with his ears, it must be so!

From the Yan's side, Jun Mohuang walked out of the last cabin.

"It's great, the master's medical skills are truly extraordinary!"

Yan Zhengqi was printed immediately, with a respectful expression.

After Jun Mohuang cured her daughter, he no longer had any doubts about Jun Mohuang, and now he respected Jun Mohuang to the extreme.

The young girl in front of her, regardless of her young age, dressed plainly, is really powerful.

In less than five minutes, all the ten female families of Yan's family who showed signs of miscarriage were cured, all of them were restored to health, and the children in their abdomen were saved.

Yan Zhengqi asked respectfully: "I don't know what the master's surname is and how to call it."

"My last name is Jun."

Jun Mohuang used spiritual energy to clean the blood stains in her hands. This time she had a good harvest.

In addition to the gratitude and admiration of these people, she also received the power of a light source the size of ten mung beans.

The power of these light sources is really insignificant compared with Luo Chen's power of light sources.

But this is just the beginning.

In order to satisfy his ambition and to attack the Nine Heads of the Underworld with a steady stream of troops, Luo Chen used excellent orchids for these spiritual people.

For a long time to come, she will have many patients to be treated.

"Master Jun is too good, Master Jun, this time, no matter what, please ask Master Jun to sit in the villain."

Yan Zhengqi has now completely believed that Jun Mohuang must be a master-level pharmacist.

Inviting a master-level pharmacist to the home is the supreme honor, not to mention, if the female family members in the family are uncomfortable again, she can immediately solve it.

"Then bother Patriarch, I just want to go to the city."

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips hooked slightly.

This time she had good luck. Not only did she easily get the invitation from the Patriarch of the nearby seven-level city, she also gained some light source power.

The start of coming to the Heavenly Spirit World this time is really good.

"Okay, master, please."

Jun Mohuang agreed to make Yan Zhengqi overjoyed.

He ordered all the Yan family to pack up and return to the city immediately.

There are only two nearby valleys with excellent orchids cultivated by the Lingdu people. The city owner’s family has one place, and the Yan family and the Liao family have one place.

Today's update is complete...

Kavinka is great today, and the rest will be made up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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