Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2195: The power of the first light source

Chapter 2195 The power of the first light source

Yan Zhengqi walked to the door of the cabin and couldn't help being angry when he heard the other party's curse.

"Girl, please, the little girl is inside."

Yan Zhengqi turned around and made a please gesture to Jun Mohuang.

"Ah, boss, we won't go in, it's not convenient."

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng chose to stay outside.

God knows that they were looking down on the flying boat just now, and they happened to see a large number of spiritual women's miscarriages in the valley. In a hurry, someone lifted their clothes to check the situation.

They don't want to go in.

"Alright, you are at the door, don't run around."

Jun Mohuang nodded and pushed open the wooden door of the cabin.

Yan Zhengqi also followed in, but was stopped by Jun Mohuang.

"Patriarch, men and women are different."

"...Well, I beg the girl to try her best to save my daughter."

Yan Zhengqi finally stopped.

"I will."

Jun Mohuang pushed the door into the wooden house.

The small cabin was dimly lit, there was no one, and it was full of a rich and sweet smell of blood.

On a wooden bed covered with blood, there was a young girl lying pale, lifeless, sunken eyes, and dry lips, she would die at any time.

Blood was constantly flowing out of her body like spring water erupting.

In Jun Mohuang's heart, a sudden anger rose.

How innocent these spiritual people are, Luo Chen, regardless of his own desires, brought in excellent orchids from the Xuandu Realm and killed these civilians in this way.

"Save me...Save me..."

The girl had fallen into a semi-coma due to excessive blood loss.

She noticed someone entering and opened her eyes laboriously, only to see a vague figure.

Even so, her strong will to survive made her stretch out her hands strenuously and ask for help from Jun Mohuang.

"Don't worry, I will save you."

Jun Mohuang stepped forward and held her blood-stained hands.

Yan Rui heard Jun Mohuang's assurance and was comforted, and his whole body relaxed, unable to support it anymore, and fainted.

Jun Mohuang held Yan Rui's hand, and the power of induction instantly entered her body.

Yan Rui's physical condition is now clear to her.

The excellent orchids from the Xuandu Realm are too overbearing. After two improvements to the Sombra boss, they are even more effective, allowing spiritual women to conceive three children at one time.

The fertility rate of spiritual women is low, the blood level of the spiritual women in the seventh-level city is too low, and they are pregnant with three children at one time, and their spiritual energy, physical condition and their own blood level cannot support them to continue to breed three embryos in the body. .

Miscarriage after three months is an inevitable phenomenon.

The three embryos in the body absorbed a lot of vitality and aura in these spiritual women.

Sudden miscarriage means that a lot of vitality and spiritual energy in the body have passed away, and the body is extremely weak.

Even if it is a god-level pill, it cannot replenish the vitality of the body.

In this case, it is impossible to stop bleeding without restoring vitality in the body.

So Yan, the pills of the Liao family are completely useless.

Almost for an instant, Jun Mohuang made a comprehensive judgment based on the superior orchid effect she had sensed before, and figured out what was going on.

Their pill is useless, does not mean that her pill is useless.

There is a lot of vitality in the golden spiritual spring, a few drops are enough to save the life of the young girl in front of him.

Jun Mohuang's hands were sealed, and five drops of golden spirit spring flew out of the special space in the sea of ​​Qi, and instantly submerged in Yan Rui's eyebrows.

The golden spirit spring was drawn by Jun Mohuang's supernatural powers, and the original power contained in it quickly spread to Yan Rui's body.

(End of this chapter)

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