Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2194: Grand Master Alchemist

Chapter 2194 Grand Master Alchemist

"Hmph, scream, Grandmaster-level pharmacist! Grandmaster-level pharmacist is noble and lives in a third-level city. How could she be so shabby!"

Liao Yongfu glanced at the people of Jun Mohuang, his tone extremely disdainful.

"Every pharmacist in the heavenly spirit world is registered with the pharmacist association, and everyone has an pharmacist badge issued by the association. Since you are a master-level pharmacist, you will bring the pharmacist badge representing your status to everyone Take a look!"

These untouchables thought they were fools who had never seen the world.

Feng Yunqi was stunned immediately, he didn't know that the alchemists of the Heavenly Spirit World had such rules.

Neither he nor Jun Mohuang could get the badge representing the pharmacist of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Even if it is taken out, it is a big trouble.

The master-level pharmacist in the heavenly spirit world does not have his own boss.

Feng Yunqi began to regret why he didn't use his brain to brag like this.

"I can't get it out! These few are liars at all, I'm afraid they are not even apprentices of a pharmacist. Come, catch these people and throw them out."

Seeing Feng Yunqi's expression, Liao Yongfu knew that his judgment was not wrong.

He was in a irritable mood. If it weren't that he didn't have the authority to kill the spirit tribe, he would definitely choose to kill these untouchables in the first place.

Several first-tier Liao family members of Yuanhuang Realm quickly approached Jun Mohuang and others.

"Wait. Yes, I am indeed not a master-level pharmacist, but just an apprentice pharmacist. But in this situation, I can cure them all."

Jun Mohuang raised his hand and made a stopping action.

She tickled her little finger slightly and moved a certain rule line.

Perhaps her tone is too calm and her expression is too calm.

The few Yuanhuang realm powerhouses of the Liao family actually stopped unknowingly as Jun Mohuang said.

"Well, the two families are not dead. If you continue to drag on like this, people will definitely die."

Jun Mohuang looked at Liao Yongfu and Yan Zhengqi.

Liao Yongfu immediately refused: "A pharmacist apprentice is embarrassed to utter wild words. Nothing can be cured, and something will kill people. The owner of the family does not believe it!"

Since he believes that Jun Mohuang is a liar, how could he let her treat his daughter and other female relatives in the family.

The apprentice of a pharmacist, speaking of having a relationship with a pharmacist, is actually just going through two pharmacist books and dealing with a few herbs.

Even the pill can not be made, let alone deal with this complicated situation that even the pill can't work.

Whether Jun Mohuang is an apprentice of a pharmacist or not depends on a mouth without any proof.

"Girl, we Yan Jiazhi!"

Contrary to Liao Yongfu, Yan Zhengqi gritted his teeth and decided to ask Jun Mohuang for treatment.

No matter what, his daughter is going to die, no matter what these do, having an apprentice alchemist is better than being helpless here.

"Girl here, please, the troubled girl will treat the little girl first. It's not that I am selfish, but the situation of the little girl is the most serious among all the female families."

Yan Zhengqi immediately walked forward to lead the way for Jun Mohuang.

"The name Yan, you are crazy. You really let this unexplained pariah treat your daughter!"

Liao Yongfu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Yan Zhengqi and Jun Mohuang ignored him and went to the cabin where Yan Zhengqi's daughter was.

"The surname is Yan, although the owner of this family is a rival to you, but I still want to remind you, be careful that your daughter will die faster!"

"You... don't worry, the surname is Liao. If your daughter is dead, my daughter will not die!"

(End of this chapter)

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