Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1798: Crazy Plan 2

Chapter 1798 Crazy Plan 2

To save Yao Xuan's life is to save his own life.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely succeed this time."

Yao Xuan saw Lin Zifan put out two good things, and his eyes were full of energy.

Originally, he just wanted to make a small mess and cause Jun Mohuang a little trouble, but Lin Zifan did not expect him to give him two good things.

Especially this small bottle of black toxin is exactly the same as the toxin used by Jun Mohuang to poison Yuanba.

It just so happened that Yongyuezong came from three people.

Yao Xuan Yangtian laughed, this is simply God's will!

Little trouble, no longer able to satisfy Yao Xuan's ambition.

He wants to do a big vote, he wants the Ye Family to have a handle in his hands, and he wants Jun Mohuang to be madly retaliated against by the Yongyue Sect!

Yao Xuan bid farewell to Lin Zifan, and took ten Yuanhuang realm masters to take a flying boat and leave Ye family.

One of the Yuanhuang realm masters steered the flying boat towards Luoyun City.

After leaving the city of Mo Li where the head of the Ye family was located, Yao Xuan ordered the man to change direction and walk southeast.

"Southeast...that's not the direction of Falling Cloud City."

This Yuanhuang realm master was very dissatisfied with this.

A small Yuanjun realm really thought that he would become Miss Xueman's husband, but he dared to order her.

Yao Xuan sneered: "If I ask you to change direction, then change direction, where is so much nonsense!"

Soon the Ye Family Patriarch will follow his words, let alone a servant who serves the Ye Family.

This Yuanhuang realm powerhouse squinted his eyes. Forget it, the Patriarch's intention is obvious, that Yao Xuan can do nothing in the Ye Family and do nothing well.

Yao Xuan was going to chaos, wasn't it just right, why did he stop it.

The strong Yuanhuang realm immediately changed direction and headed southeast.

The ten powerful men of the Yuan Emperor realm of the Ye family dismissed Yao Xuan throughout the entire process, always despising him.

Three days later, when Yao Xuan stood in front of the bodies of the three Yongyuezong strong men and laughed, they were all startled in a cold sweat and looked at Yao Xuan in surprise.

Yao Xuan first led them to track down these three people, and they did not intend to help out the whole process.

But he didn't know where he took out a golden long sword, and with one person's power, he easily killed three Yuanhuang realm powerhouses.

Yao Xuan was so bold that he dared to kill the people of Yongyue Sect.

In front of Yao Xuan, the three members of Yongyue Sect turned black, with a golden long sword stuck in their abdomen.

The long sword quickly turned into golden dust and disappeared with the wind.

The three Yuanhuang realm experts of the Yongyue Sect were exactly the three who were sent by the Hall Master Chu to kill the Emperor Mohuang in Luoyun City.

Yao Xuan took out a long sword, repaired more than a dozen knives on the three of them, kicked a lot of kicks, and disguised as an illusion that the three of them had gone through a fight before being killed by the opponent.

"These three people were killed by the black hand of the woman surnamed Jun in Luoyun City. They have nothing to do with me, you, or the Ye family. Remember."

Yao Xuan looked at the three black corpses at his feet, showing a vicious smile.


The eyes of the ten strong Yuanhuang realm brightened and couldn't help but look at Yao Xuan with admiration.

Once this matter is known to the Yongyue Sect, the Ye Family will suffer, and the lives of the ten of them will not be saved.

Push this matter to Fallen Cloud City and let the woman who bullied Miss Xueman put on the black pot, and she will be madly retaliated by Yong Yuezong.

No matter from which aspect, they will not tell the truth of the matter.

However, Yao Xuan was really crazy, and keeping it might be a big disaster for the Ye Family.

(End of this chapter)

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