Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1797: Crazy Plan 1

Chapter 1797 Crazy Plan 1

It is no different from going to death when ten powerful Yuanzong realms in the Xuan Dynasty are going to find Jun Mohuang.

"Father, you... how can you do this, ten Yuanhuang realm powerhouses, you are clearly Brother Xuan going to die!"

Ye Xueman is innocent, but he can see the relationship very clearly.

She was the first to disagree.

"It's okay, Xueman, the Patriarch is testing me. Of course, ten Yuanhuang realm powerhouses can't win a frontal attack, but they may use tricks."

Yao Xuan quickly comforted Ye Xueman.

Ye Xueman's attitude was very firm: "No, Brother Xuan, I still disagree, it's too dangerous."

The Patriarch of the Ye Family snorted coldly: "What's the danger, you won't get into the tiger's lair. Don't say how things turn out, as long as he can create a small trouble for that woman, the Patriarch will agree to your marriage."

"No, Brother Xuan, I don't want you to go."

"Xueman, be obedient, you are raising your fetus with peace of mind. The Patriarch said so, but it will definitely not cause me trouble..."

After Yao Xuan's persuasion, Ye Xueman finally reluctantly agreed.

"Father, you have to promise your daughter that you must not let Brother Yao Xuan do anything, otherwise, if your daughter's fetal gas moves, there is absolutely no guarantee that what will happen."

Ye Xueman is still not at ease, she wants to get a personal guarantee from the Ye Family Patriarch.

"Sherman, you think of your father as someone, even if your father doesn't like him, he won't let him do anything. Don't worry."

"Father just wants to train him, he wants to be our son-in-law in the Ye family, without doing something, how can he hold down people in the future."

The Ye Family Patriarch never thought about taking the opportunity to kill Yao Xuan.

At least until Ye Xueman gave birth to the child, he would not kill Yao Xuan.

In the eyes of the Ye Family Patriarch, Yao Xuan was just a little clever.

The strength is so bad, what kind of climate can it be.

In the future, he will not only not suppress Yao Xuan, but will also give him various opportunities for performance.

Yaoxuan's performance is not good, Ye Xueman will realize that he is not familiar with people sooner or later, and will no longer be obsessed with Yaoxuan.

In this way, Ye Xueman found her biological parents, Yao Xuan and Lin Zifan moved into Ye's house smoothly.

Before leaving, Yao Xuan coaxed Ye Xueman for a while, and finally bid farewell to Lin Zifan.

Yao Xuan was about to leave, Lin Zifan was full of anxiety.

"Xuan'er, the two things are the life-saving items that the adult above gave to the uncle. You must take them, remember, in an emergency, you can only use the same one at a time."

Lin Zifan handed a golden long sword to a small bottle of black liquid to give medicine.

When he worked for the people above, he got three life-saving treasures.

These are two of them, and the other is the miniature teleportation array Lin Zifan used when he was in Baiyu City.

"This golden long sword can transform into three clones at once, and it is not a problem to kill three Yuanhuang realm powerhouses at once. But remember, it can only be used once, not repeatedly."

"And this small bottle of black liquid medicine is the most powerful kind of poison in the world. One drop can poison the powerful Yuanhuang realm. You must not get it."

"My uncle is afraid that the Patriarch Ye's words are nice, but it will actually be harmful to you. I will teach you these two life-saving things."

Lin Zifan has always regarded Yaoxuan as his own son since he learned that his son in Bafang Xuanjie had died.

If Yao Xuan really died outside this time, there would only be a dead end in the Ye Family's Lin Zifan.

Today's update is complete...

There are 2 chapters left to make up tomorrow, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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