Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1799: As long as you soak twice again, you can become a strong man in the Yuan Dynasty

Chapter 1799 As long as you soak twice again, you can become a strong master

They will definitely report to the Patriarch when they go back, and kill Miss Sherman after his child is born.

Yao Xuan kept his expression in his eyes, and smiled at the expressions of these ten people.

Oh, these Ye family members wanted to kill him, but there was no way.

It will take a long time for Ye Xueman to give birth to a child. During this time, he will write down the matter and keep a lot of backup secrets. Once he is killed by the Ye family, this matter will be made public.

If Ye Family dared to kill him, they had to face the anger of Yongyuezong.

After all, a strong master of the Yuanjun realm killed three strong masters of the Yuanhuang realm, and no one would believe this matter.

These three people, of course, were killed by the Ye family, and had nothing to do with his Yaoxuan.

Yao Xuan thought for a while, poured the few drops of venom left in the crystal bottle on the three corpses, and then threw the empty bottle aside.

The golden long sword has automatically dissipated, and the black poison has been completely used up, this matter no longer has anything to do with him.

The ten strong Yuan Huang realms were also very afraid of the people of the Yongyue Sect. They found clues and cleaned the atmosphere here. Yao Xuan and the ten strong Yuan Huang realms of the Ye Family left quickly.


Falling Cloud City.

Jun Mohuang still didn't know that he was overcast.

She had prevented someone from intercepting and killing three Eternal Moon Sect powerhouses near Fallen Cloud City, but it was impossible for her to be a nanny for the three, escorting them all the way back to Eternal Moon Sect.

In three days, Feng Yunqi and the others had all finished their medicated baths.

Before Jun Mohuang walked to the yard, he heard Feng Yunqi laugh like a barbell.

"Hahahahaha, three days and three nights, I finally got through, I feel my blood is full of power!"

"Me too, I actually advanced to a realm directly, from Yuan Jun to Yuan Zun!"

"Me too, me too, wow, we are all Yuanzun!"

In the room, a group of people were laughing and shouting with excitement.

They thought it was an unattainable goal to become the Yuan Emperor within a year, but now at this speed, they will definitely be able to advance to the Yuan Emperor within one year!

They sensed Jun Mohuang's breath, and immediately pushed out the door, surrounded by Jun Mohuang excitedly.

"Boss, look at me, I am now first-order Yuanzun!"

"Boss, so am I, too."

"Miss, I am also the first-order Yuanzun!"

Everyone is refreshed, and their temperament has undergone major changes.

Jun Mohuang carefully used the power of induction to sense the improvement of their bloodlines, and the effects were very good. Everyone's bloodline purity reached their highest level.

The prescriptions recorded in the dragon clan classics are indeed powerful, of course, the special water elemental spirit crystal and water elemental spirit fruit are also indispensable.

"Everyone performed very well. You should take these cultivation resources first and continue to maintain them."

Jun Mohuang gave them a space ring.

Everyone opened the space ring for the first time and found that it contained the special water elemental spirit crystals, the large silver moon celestial glaze, the broken element pill, the spirit gathering pill and other cultivation resources.

"Boss, when will we arrange for us to take this medicated bath once? The effect is really great. You can directly advance to the first level by taking one time."

"I'm only two realms away from the Yuanhuang Realm now. As long as I soak twice, I can become a strong Yuanhuang Realm!"

Wu Qianyong broke his fingers and considered it very seriously.

"If you want to be beautiful, the liquid of the medicated bath must be very difficult to match. You think it is the Chinese cabbage on the street, the weeds on the side of the road, you just have it."

Shi Feng looked at Wu Qianyong with contempt.

With this calculation, he actually had to break his fingers, and he was also drunk.

Two chapters owed last night, make up, good afternoon everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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