Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1763: Don't miss it when you pass by

Chapter 1763 has passed by, don't miss it

Even after entering the defensive barrier, he did not dare to move Feng Yunqi.

The defensive enchantment is enough to make the two suffer, who knows what moth he will bring out.

Seeing this, the people in line behind him immediately took out 200,000 amethyst stones as tolls.

What are you kidding about, those two people just now are the first-order powerhouses of Yuanzong.

Even these two people suffered a dark loss in the matter of entering the city gate, it is better for them to hurry up and pay.

They all came for the Jingling jade of Baili Auction House, and they were not short of this 200,000 amethyst.

After these people handed in the amethyst, thinking about the Jingling jade from Baili Auction House, they quickly entered the city.

As soon as they entered the city, their eyes widened in surprise, and their jaws almost dislocated.

Perhaps because of the defensive enchantment, they didn't notice it when they were outside the city gate just now.

Only after I walked in did I fully see the raw materials used for the city wall.

It turned out to be... It turned out to be the Jingling jade they wanted to buy on this trip.

Wasn't the city wall in front of Fallen Cloud City made of a mixture of Mithril and a dozen types of profound iron? When did it become Jingling Jade?

"It's really Jing Ling jade, just like a fake!"

A refiner couldn't help reaching out and touching it, and he was so excited that he almost fainted.

Jingling Jade is an excellent material for refining and defending against fire and thunder elemental attacks, so a small piece of it is very effective.

Actually use Jingling jade to build a city wall... violent heavenly things, violent heavenly things!

Looking at the towering city walls, everyone fainted.

This domineering man drove the Chu family away and occupied the city of Luoyun.

This group of people walked to the door of Baili Auction House faintly.

Jing Lingyu shocked them so strongly that they did not find that the aura content in the current Falling Cloud City was three times the previous one.

Everyone took out the invitation from Baili Auction House and was about to enter Baili Auction House.

The staff of Baili Auction House also began to prepare to meet.

Wu Qianyong suddenly ran out of the Jun's auction house opposite, and ran in front of these people with a formulaic smile on his face.

"Everyone, our Jun's Auction House is an industry under the name of the new lord of Fallen Cloud City. It has more good things than Baili Auction House. Don't miss it.

"The new city lord of Fallen Cloud City... Then do you have Jing Ling jade in your auction house?"

Those who were about to enter Baili Auction House immediately lit up, with strong expectations on their faces.

Wu Qianyong: "We all used Jingling jade to build the walls of Luoyun City. That is a must."

"How many yuan are there..."

Everyone stared directly at Wu Qianyong, and some refiners couldn't even control them, and they were constantly swallowing saliva.

"Not much, there is always 10,000 yuan."

"One...ten thousand yuan!"

Everyone was excited.

Ten thousand yuan, which is very small compared to the Jingling jade needed by the city wall, but it is simply more than the twelve yuan at Baili Auction House.

Wu Qianyong took the opportunity to throw out "Not only that, there are still a lot of water element spirit crystals in our Jun's auction house,"

As soon as they heard the spirit crystal of the water element, all these people were not calm.

Immediately throw the famous post at Baili Auction House and rush to Junshi Auction House as quickly as possible.

The elemental spirit crystal, or the water elemental spirit crystal, is an excellent resource for cultivation.

When they rushed to the Jun's auction house, when they saw the rare treasures displayed in the water mirror cabinet in the hall, everyone couldn't help but sucked in a few breaths, and was completely shocked by Jun Mohuang's great work.

(End of this chapter)

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