Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1764: You are right, I am really dazzled

Chapter 1764 You are right, I am really dazzled

"Well... what is the auction reserve price of this gold crystal? Will it be auctioned this time."

Among them, a refiner excitedly pointed to a fingernail-sized gold crystal in a crystal cabinet.

Jin Zhijing, but the divine object that the refiner dreams of.

Compared with Jin Zhijingyi, Jinglingyu is nothing at all.

"Sorry, everyone, all the items on display in the hall are not part of the auction. If you can bring out the equivalent items, or the treasure that our Lord Lord wants, then this golden crystal is yours."

Manager Chang appeared in time with a smile on his face.

The craftsmen present couldn't wait to ask: "What kind of treasure does the Lord of the City really want?"

Take out equivalent items in exchange, don't even think about it.

The only way is to satisfy the new Fallen City Lord's desires.

Manager Chang: "The Lord of the City has nothing that she wants for the time being. If she needs it, she will post it in the Jade Talisman. If you are interested in doing the tasks released by the Lord of the City, you can receive the Talisman for free.

Everyone has regrets in their eyes.

But they will start to get excited soon, right?

The new Lord City Lord didn't know who was sacred, anyway, he asked for the sound transmission jade talisman.

"Manager, please give me one."

"I want one too!"

At the door of Baili Auction House.

"Hey, everyone..."

The staff of Baili Auction House looked at the famous posts of a place, and they couldn't cry.

"What to do, the guests are all taken away."

"Grandma, dare to **** customers from our Baili auction, and see if I won't beat the people from Jun's auction house on the ground!"

"You can stop, do you see the people at the door? Those people are all masters of the Yuanhuang Realm. You don't want to die."

Someone immediately grabbed the staff who rushed over to the adult.

Outside the city gate, Feng Yunqi was delighted to collect tolls.

Some big forces and people from big families still want to force their way through, and they are all defeated under the super defense of the defensive enchantment, so they have to pay the tolls obediently.

A young man wearing a blue robe appeared in front of Feng Yunqi.

Without raising his head, Feng Yunqi pointed to the sign beside him that said "200,000 Amethyst Tolls".

"No, Brother Yun Qi, you even have to charge my tolls?"

Baili Yunsheng's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's you!"

Feng Yunqi was happy when he saw Baili Yunsheng, an acquaintance.

But he immediately thought of the Baili family's act of expelling Chang Manager and clearing up the relationship with Jun Mohuang, and his heart suddenly became cold.

"Your tolls are doubled."

"Well, you are ruthless."

Baili Yunsheng was carefree, and did not notice the change in Feng Yunqi's mood at all.

He thought that Feng Yunqi meant that he used to cooperate with Jun Mohuang and made a lot of money, deliberately joking and blackmailing him.

After paying the toll, Baili Yunsheng happily entered the city and went straight to the city lord's mansion.

On the way, he saw the figure of the general manager of the Jun's auction house, and then turned to the Jun's auction house.

The two gatekeepers guarding the Baili Auction House began to talk in a whisper.

"Hey, I seem to have seen the young master run to the opposite auction house just now."

"You are dazzled, even if the young master appears in Fallen Cloud City, he must be our Baili Auction House."

"You are right, I am really dazzled."

Not long after Baili Yunsheng entered the Junshi auction house, the Patriarch Baili and Mrs. Baili arrived in a flying boat.

Today's update is complete...

thank? Ling Xiaowan? , Milk puffs, I heard Brother Qian.? , Unique and other baby's rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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