Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1762: Sky-high toll

Chapter 1762 Sky-high tolls

"Yes, Patriarch."

Patriarch Baili pinched out the sound transmission jade talisman and ended the call.

Their hundred-mile family owned Jingling jade from the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and twelve pieces of Jingling jade arrived in Luoyun City, plus other resources for auction.

The little girl surnamed Jun couldn't compete with Baili Auction House at all.

As a result, Patriarch Baili and Madame Baili were full of confidence, and half a day was not up. Almost all the forces in the Bafang Profound Realm who could afford Jingling jade knew that the Baili Auction House in Luoyun City was going to auction Twelve pieces of Jingling jade news.

These people who were interested in buying rushed to Fallen Cloud City.

"Madam, let's go and see the excitement too, and see how that girl will be driven to the ground by our Baili auction house."

Patriarch Baili took Mrs. Baili to Luoyun City together.

Seven days later.

All forces gathered in Yuncheng, and the deserted Fallen City was completely lively.

There was a long line at the only open gate of Falling Cloud City.

Feng Yunqi sat at the gate of the city with a long table in front of him, with Erlang's legs tilted, and each person charged 200,000 amethyst tolls.

"What, 200,000 amethysts per person, such an expensive toll, is there any reason for it!"

A sturdy man stood in front of Feng Yunqi, staring at him viciously.

"That is, who are you? Fallen Cloud City is the territory of the Chu Family. No matter who you are, Lao Tzu, anyway, you are not eligible to charge fifty thousand amethyst tolls!"

Another brother Scar, who was covered in flesh and full of flesh, also walked over.

Obviously, neither of these two can accept the fact that each person has to pay 50,000 tolls.

The Chu family would collect tolls from time to time, but they would never send a person with only Yuanjun realm strength to collect it alone.

In short, Feng Yunqi is definitely not from the Chu family.

Feng Yunqi glanced at the two jokingly: "Tsk tsk, don't you want to pay the toll, do you? If you have the ability, just go for it."

"Hmph, do you think our brothers dare not!"

"Just relying on you, a weak chicken of the third rank of Yuanjun realm, want to stop our brother!"

The two sneered, strode towards the gate of the city.

With a muffled sound of "Duang", the heads of the two of them collided with their entire bodies into a hard and flexible barrier.

The two of them were dizzy and their nosebleeds flowing from the sudden impact. Withdrawing abruptly for several steps, almost lost his footing.

"Boy, what are you playing!"

The two of them slowed down for a few seconds, and Brother Scar rushed to Feng Yunqi in anger, stretched out a palm as big as a fan, and wanted to give Feng Yunqi a punch.

As a result, his hand has not had time to make a fist and strike.

There was another crisp sound of "Duang", and Brother Scar again hit the transparent barrier that had emerged out of thin air.

At this time, Brother Scar, who had been hit twice in a row, could not continue his last good luck.

"Hey, how did I see so many birds flying in front of my eyes..."

After saying these words blankly, Brother Scar fainted gorgeously.

"This Xiongtai, do you want to try again?"

Feng Yunqi sat behind the defensive barrier, very proud.

"No, forget it, this is our brother's toll, a total of 100,000 amethyst, please take it, please take it."

The sturdy man hurriedly waved his hand, took out 400,000 amethyst stones, and poured them on the table that Feng Yunqi had specially placed in front of the defensive barrier.

No matter how stupid he was now, he guessed that there was a defensive barrier in Fallen Cloud City, and it was much stronger than the original defense barrier of the Chu Family.

The sturdy man took up Brother Scar, whizzed and ran into the city immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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