Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1761: Never refuse

Chapter 1761 is not rejected

Manager Chang selected some people from the Mo people who were willing to work in the auction house, and began to carefully classify, evaluate, and list various cultivation resources.

During this period, some people saw the empty city of Fallen Cloud City being occupied, and they were curious to enter and check.

Jun Mohuang did not refuse these curious people who came to inquire, allowing these people to come and visit at specific times.

But once time has passed, everyone will be driven out.

Her dragons have to show their real bodies to work, how can these people always wander around in the city?

Among them are people from Baili Auction House.

Soon, the Patriarch Baili got the news.

"It's just outrageous!"

Patriarch Baili was furious and slapped the table vigorously.

The Xuan Nan wooden table that he took care of was smashed into pieces by his palm.

"Husband, what happened to make you so angry."

Mrs. Baili walked over and frowned when she looked at the fragments on the ground.

"Chang Dexun, the one who eats inside and out, he did something wrong himself, and the owner told him to get out of the Baili auction house, but he just got out of it obediently."

"Unexpectedly, he turned his back and followed that girl. He opened an auction house opposite to Baili Auction House in Luoyun City and competed with us. Chang Dexun was the director of that auction house."

"Luoyun City is the site of the Chu family, how could the Chu family allow that girl to open an auction house."

Mrs. Baili was a little unbelievable.

The little girl surnamed Jun burned the Chu family on fire, and the Chu family wouldn't be so generous.

Patriarch Baili snorted coldly: "Madam, don’t you know that the girl surnamed Jun is bold enough. Not only did she burn the Chu family, she also drove the entire people of Fallen City out, and started occupying Fallen City by herself. The city lord."

"The Patriarch of the Chu family and the old Patriarch of the Chu family were both pinched by Jun Mohuang. The Chu family was very embarrassed. Now they have to seek help from Yongyuezong."

"This...this is too courageous, I simply didn't put the Yongyuezong in his eyes, and didn't put our four giants in the eyes!"

Madam Baili frowned, she was very unhappy with Jun Mohuang's behavior.

It was said that if the Chu family was burned, it was on fire, and it also occupied their nest.

Who knows if her wings are harder in the future, will she do the same to the Baili family.

Jun Mohuang is just a thorn, a dangerous element that must be eliminated.

However, it was Yongyuezong's business to get her out. What the Baili family had to do now was to counter her provocation against Baili Auction House.

"How does your husband plan to fight back."

Mr. Chang was poached away, and he went to open an auction house opposite Baili Auction House. This was purely declaring war on the Baili family.

"Isn't she going to open the auction house opposite our Baili auction house, then let her open it."

"Huh, dare you to compare cultivation resources with our Baili family? She can't compare at all. Before the family chief let her be destroyed by the Yongyue Sect, she made her auction house unable to receive a list!"

Patriarch Baili didn't pay attention to Jun Mohuang at all.

He immediately lit the sound transmission jade symbol in his hand: "The order is passed down, and two-thirds of the Jingling jade obtained by the Baili family in the Heavenly Dragon Realm this time will be dropped into the auction house in Luoyun City for auction, and the sale will begin seven days later. . Be sure to do top-notch publicity for this matter."

"But... Patriarch, two-thirds, that amount is twelve yuan, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to tilt this way."

A subordinate's nervous voice came from the sound transmission jade talisman.

"The owner of the family says it's appropriate, so do it quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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