Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1760: The villain who must report

Chapter 1760 The villain must report

When he opened the space rings that Jun Mohuang gave him, he was almost blinded by the various cultivation resources inside.

Two hundred million ordinary high-grade spiritual crystals, 50 million low-grade water element spiritual crystals, thousands of spiritual plants, and a few spatial rings cherish the rare spiritual fruit and refining materials in the Bafang Profound Realm...

In short, the space ring that Jun Mohuang gave him basically has everything.

Manager Chang rubbed his eyes very unsteadily. He has seen a lot of good things in his life working at Baili Auction House.

But he had never seen such a large amount of such precious heaven, spirit and earth treasure in his entire life.

Manager Chang found Jun Mohuang immediately.

"Miss, it's a pity that these darlings from the Celestial Dragon Realm are just going to auction like this."

If you put these things out for auction, you can only exchange for amethyst.

To the current Jun Mohuang, the amethyst is no longer useful.

"I don't really understand what things are precious and which things are common in the Bafang Profound Realm. Manager Chang can analyze according to his professional eyes and see which ones should be sold and which ones should not be sold."

Of course Jun Mohuang was not stupid, none of the space rings she gave to Chang Guan were the best training resources she had obtained in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Of course she has to keep good things for her own use.

But on the other hand, Jun Mohuang does not really understand what level of resources are needed to be auctioned off, after all, she is not a professional.

Manager Chang has been in the auction house for many years, and he must be very experienced in this area.

"The subordinates have roughly classified them. The cultivation resources in these eight spatial rings belong to the level that can be auctioned. The treasures in the remaining four belong to the very precious level. No amount of amethyst stone can be measured. I think it is not suitable for auction."

"But we can make these treasures that are not suitable for auction as an exhibition hall. Whoever wants this kind of treasure must take out what you need and the equivalent thing in exchange."

Manager Chang was really reliable. He sorted them out before coming to see Jun Mohuang, and he thought of ways to maximize the role of these treasures.

"Very good, that's it."

Sure enough, professional is professional.

Jun Mohuang was very satisfied with the method proposed by Manager Chang.

"Okay, if there is nothing wrong with you, Miss, the subordinates will retire first."

When General Manager Chang was retreating from the defendant, Jun Mohuang stopped him.

Jun Mohuang's eyes raised a smirk: "Manager Chang, it seems that the Baili family also has an auction house industry in Luoyun City."

"Uh...yes. Not far from the city lord's mansion delineated by the young lady, it was once the most prosperous place in Fallen Cloud City."

Chang Guan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

This bad feeling is aimed at the Baili family.

"Very good, just open my auction house opposite Baili Auction House. The building materials of the auction house are made of Jing Ling jade."

"Miss, you are going to..."

"I want Baili Auction House to be unable to open on my site."

Hum, isn't the Baili family trying to separate her from her? There is also the auction house of the Baili family on her site. How can this be called a separate relationship.

Who told her Jun Mohuang is a villain who must report to her.

"Okay, miss, the subordinate will do it now."

Manager Chang secretly ordered countless sticks of wax for Baili Auction House in Luoyun City.

With the cultivation resources in her hands, the little stock in the Baili Auction House in Luoyun City, I am afraid that there will be no **** left in the second.

(End of this chapter)

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