Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1718: Burning White Jade City 2

Chapter 1718 Burning White Jade City 2

The lord is so innocent, he wanted to say at the time, isn't it that the Chu Family Patriarch cut off the sound transmission jade talisman.

As soon as the Chu family came to Lingyuanzong, they went straight to the second peak, and he had no chance to elaborate on Jun Mohuang's situation.

"Hmph, that's a good idea. After Jun Mohuang is successfully forced out, you will be the Sect Master of Spirit Yuanzong."

After the Chu Family Patriarch reprimanded Lord Sect Master, he immediately looked at Yuanba.

The lord was shocked: "Patriarch!"

"Thanks for the grace of Patriarch!"

Yuanba was overjoyed.

Sovereign lord flinched and hesitated to do things, he had long thought of replacing it.

"Take these six wastes and go to Baiyu City immediately."

The Patriarch of the Chu family stepped onto the flying beast, condescending.

"Remember, don't kill these five wastes."

He wanted Jun Mohuang to see how his five senior brothers were dying from torture, and then personally killed Yue Rong and the five wastes in front of her.

Killing people face to face, and admiring Jun Mohuang's helpless appearance, was the only way to relieve his qi.

According to Chu Tang, Jun Mohuang is only the strength of the Yuanzun realm. She can only watch her own city burned and her seniors and masters killed.

This is the fate of offending the Chu family.



Feng Yunqi took the account book and counted the amethyst he earned after Jun Mohuang left. Shi Feng and Wu Qianyong trained their subordinates on the practice field.

Everything is as usual, peaceful and calm.

But this calm was quickly broken.

In the distance, a large number of flying monsters flew over Baiyu City with people.

Groups of flames fell from the sky, and the fire element in the flames was extremely strong. It fell on the building made of white jade.

The solid white marble was directly burned into liquid by the flame.

The fire spread extremely fast, but within half a minute, the entire Baiyu City became a sea of ​​flames.

Countless residents of the city fled with their heads in their arms and fled outside the city.

However, the fire was so strong that many people were pulled into the sea of ​​flames by the tongue of fire on their way to escape.

In the first half minute, Baiyu City was still a prosperous world scene.

After half a minute, Bai Yucheng became a purgatory on earth.

In the sky above Baiyu City, the hands of the Chu Family Patriarch burned two fires.

Seeing the tragedy of Baiyu City below, the Chu Family Patriarch laughed loudly.

Jun Mohuang, when he sees his city become this look, he must be very angry in his heart.

But what about her anger, he is the head of the Chu family, and the Chu family is one of the four great families in the Bafang Profound Realm.

Jun Mohuang's angry heart, there is still nothing to do!

"Wow, the fire element controlled by the Patriarch is so pure that even the white jade can be burned."

Yuan Ba ​​took the opportunity to flatter the Chu family's head.

"Huh, what is this? The fire element of the master of the family is unmatched in this area under the jurisdiction of the Chu family, let alone white jade, even if Jun Mohuang builds a city with metal, the master of the family can The fire burned her."

The Patriarch of the Chu family was even more proud.

The City Lord's Mansion has also become a sea of ​​fire.

"What's going on! Didn't it mean that the entire Baiyu City is forbidden to fly? Only the city lord has the qualification to fly in the air!"

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong, Shi Feng and Mo Sie took the Mo Clan and others to hide temporarily to a safe place.

Feng Yunqi looked at the flying monsters floating in the air with hatred in his eyes.

He finally earned 200 million amethyst for the boss, and he was so happy that he was completely burnt by the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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