Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1719: Burning White Jade City 3

Chapter 1719 Burning White Jade City 3

The culprit is these people standing on flying monsters in the air.

"No, I have to go up and discuss with them!"

Feng Yunqi was furious when he thought of the 200 million amethyst.

That was the surprise he wanted to give his boss, but he was burned in this way, and there was a ghost in his heart.

"Calm down, just your little triangle cat's strength, didn't you go up to look for abuse."

Wu Qianyong grabbed Feng Yunqi, and then asked Xiang Moxie.

"Uncle, what is the origin of these people."

Mo Sie: "These people are from the Chu family."

Only the Chu family can ignore the forbidden flight over the white jade city, and the fire element attack can directly penetrate the great defense formation of the white jade city.

"The Chu family is the Chu family, one of the four great families in the Bafang Profound Realm! We did not provoke the Chu family."

Feng Yunqi was shocked.

"Then what are we going to do."

Shifeng, who has not spoken, said: "Don't worry, I have sent a message to the boss just now and she will be back."

Feng Yunqi saw a sea of ​​fire outside, and the tongue of fire was getting closer and closer to them.

Anxiously said: "The boss is in the Nine Nether Realm, so far, we will all be burned to ashes when she comes back."

The place where they took refuge was the emergency refuge barrier of the City Lord's Mansion.

The fire outside has begun to burn through the corrosion barrier,

The air in the barrier has slowly started to become hot.

"Boss, little brother, I'm going to be set on fire by the Chu family. Boss, little brother will never regret meeting you in this life."

Feng Yunqi took out the sound transmission jade talisman, as if leaving a last word.

Baili Auction House.

A huge and thick enchantment completely isolated Baili Auction House from the surrounding fire.

"What to do, the three companions of the Mo Clan and Miss Jun are still in the City Lord's Mansion."

Manager Chang looked at the fire outside, with sweat on his forehead.

He is not hot, but anxious.

Unlike the Baili Auction House, the City Lord’s Mansion in Baiyu City is protected by the Baili Family’s emergency barrier in case of emergency.

The person next to me persuaded: "Manager, calm down, let's calm down and think of a solution."

"Okay, the manager is calm!"

Mr. Chang said in his mouth, he really sat down and started thinking hard.

"By the way, Jing Ling jade will melt under this extreme high temperature and automatically form a defensive enchantment. Hurry up and get the Jing Ling jade in the warehouse, and follow the manager to the City Lord's Mansion to save people!"

Manager Chang was calm, and really came up with a way.

"Manager, Jing Ling jade was obtained this time from the head of the Baili family who went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm. There is not much in total. The head of the family sent a small part to auction here."

"Let's just use it like this, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's not appropriate!"

"What's wrong? Is it important for a few dollars or for life!"

"Get it quickly, and the manager will be fully responsible for the consequences of using it!"

Manager Chang didn't know how precious and rare Jingling jade was. He went to the Patriarch himself for this thing, and the Patriarch sent someone to give it a few yuan.

But when I thought of Jun Mohuang, I thought of the pills in her hand.

Manager Chang gritted his teeth and made a bold decision.

Over Baiyu City.

The Patriarch of the Chu family looked at the hell-like Baiyu City with a sense of complacency in his heart.

In less than a few seconds, he saw that he became the only Baili auction house that hadn't caught fire, with an unhappy look on his face.

"Patriarch, there is the property of the Baili family."

(End of this chapter)

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