Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1717: Burning White Jade City 1

Chapter 1717 Burning White Jade City 1

Then, ten Chu family members took out long whips, one after the other, they began to whip the five seniors.

The long whip has barbeds and does not have any weapon level marks. It is just the most common weapon, the kind that can't even be used with aura.

Obviously, the Chu Family Patriarch intends to work slowly and carefully, and slowly kill the five seniors.

Kill with a knife quickly, and you can solve it as soon as you enter and exit.

To kill with a blunt knife, the slain will suffer great pain.

Ten whips raised a black arc in the air and landed on the five seniors.

After a few sneers, the clothes of the five seniors were torn by the barbs on the whip, and the sharp barbs immediately tore the skin, leaving a blood stain.

The five seniors immediately groaned in pain.

"What are you going to do, come at me if you have the ability!"

Yue Rong had already guessed the intention of the Chu Family Patriarch, and immediately stood in front of the five apprentices.

"Hmph, you are a sick child, what if you beat you to death a few times."

With a flick of the sleeves of the Chu family's Patriarch, a spiritual energy shook Yue Rong away several meters away.

"Just show the master of the family a good look and see how the master's people beat up your five apprentices."

"If you still feel distressed that these five people are your apprentices, immediately tell the contact information of Jun Mohuang, and the master of the family will show mercy and spare you five trash apprentices."

The Patriarch of the Chu family had already planned it.

It doesn't matter if the five brothers of Jun Mohuang are young and vigorous, Yue Rong always has the heart to see his disciple and son being beaten.

At that time, he will hand over Jun Mohuang's contact information obediently.

"Don't think about it!"

"Master, don't tell him the contact information of Junior Sister!"

"Yes, we are just five rubbish, we die if we die, you want to harm the younger sister, there is no door!"

The five seniors endured the pain of being beaten, and glared at the Chu Family Patriarch.

They are low-powered and cannot protect her in the true sense. They can only make the Chu family unable to find her in this way.

Even if they can protect Jun Mohuang from the side, they are very happy to be beaten to death.

Four hours later.

The five seniors were covered in blood, and there was no good place in their skin.

Seeing that he had been fighting for a long time, the Patriarch of the Chu family had not been able to get in touch with Jun Mohuang. He was angrily asked the Chu family to put on the eight-star magic whip, interrupting the meridians of the five seniors, and cruelly abolished the five men Dantian.

At this moment, the five are dying.

Yue Rong looked at the tragic situation of the five apprentices, his eyes were red, his hands were tightly clenched, and his nails had fallen into his palms.

Even so, the five and Yue Rong still refused to give out the contact information of Jun Mohuang.

The Patriarch of the Chu family has been busy for a long time and found nothing, with an angry expression on his face.

"Patriarch, don't be angry, besides these six people, there are others who know how to contact Jun Mohuang."

Yuan Ba ​​stepped forward immediately with a flattering expression on his face.

"Oh, there are still people, then why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Patriarch, don't be angry, the villain didn't mean to say earlier, hit Jun Mohuang's five seniors for a while, so that she could see the tragic situation of her five seniors."

"Jun Mohuang is not only a disciple of Spirit Yuanzong, but also the lord of White Jade City. Let's go and burn White Jade City on fire. There is no need to contact her. She will definitely show up."

Yuan Ba ​​gave a bad idea to the Chu Family Patriarch.

"What, she is still the lord of Baiyu City! Why didn't you tell me such important news!"

The Chu Family Patriarch's eyes were cold, and he looked at Lord Sovereign.

Hello everyone, let me introduce to you, this is the fourth chapter I owed last night, and it has been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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