Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1641: Consequences of hard loading 4

Chapter 1641 Consequences of Hard Installation 4

"Wow, Master, you only went to the first level for one hundred and fifty minutes, and your strength actually broke through the Yuanzong realm and reached the middle stage of Yuanzong's first level. Your cultivation speed is too fast."

Jin Ying'er's gaze wandered over the special spirit crystal the size of a cantaloupe for a while, and suddenly she noticed the change in Jun Mohuang's strength.

Suddenly, everyone turned their gazes to Jun Mohuang, and as expected, they found that Jin Ying'er was true.

She even sighed that her luck was overwhelming.

Jun Mohuang didn't take it seriously: "Normally."

This sudden increase in strength is certainly due to the water elemental spirit spring, but it is more of her usual accumulation.

When he was in the Nine Nether Realm some time ago, Di Lingtian would guide her cultivation from time to time, and give her a Yuepo wine that increases her cultivation speed every day.

The devilish energy of Nine Nether Realm was too strong, suppressing the speed of her cultivation and promotion.

How powerful was the suppression before, this time I encountered the water element spiritual spring and rebounded just as powerful.

Therefore, in just two and a half hours, Jun Mohuang's strength improved like a rocket.

When everyone heard this, they were about to faint.

The promotion span of Jun Mohuang this time, I am afraid that it will take two or three years to complete it with someone else.

But she accomplished this feat in just two and a half hours.

This speed is still called average, dare to ask what kind of speed is called fast.

Sure enough, people are more angry than people.

Luo Chen looked at Jun Mohuang's gaze, with a trace of heat that he hadn't noticed.

Unexpectedly, she was not only talented in refining medicine, but also talented in cultivation.

Aware of Jun Mohuang's promotion, the girl in white was even more jealous.

Di Lingtian glanced at the look in Luo Chen's eyes and snorted uncomfortably, shielding Jun Mohuang behind him without a trace, blocking Luo Chen's sight.

"Well, now you have all seen the largest special water elemental spirit crystal. Now you know who has it in his hands, and who doesn't have to pretend to have it."

Jin Ying'er looked at everyone, and then at the girl in white.

"In the entire space of the first level assessment, it is not only the special space she is in that there is such a large Trapez, she can take it out, how can it be that our family **** queen and **** king can't come out!"

"The Queen of God has said that I am afraid that the special crystal will be contaminated when it is taken out. It is sealed in a cold box and it is not convenient to take it out. What do you mean, princess!"

The patriarchs of the Celestial Spirit Realm helped the white-clothed girl fight back in the first place.

Jin Ying'er smiled slightly and said, "Hehe, I know if I can't take it out, or if it's sealed, it's inconvenient to take it out."

"Well, all the people who passed the first round of assessment are here. Now, we start the second round of assessment."

Just as the two sides were about to have a greater conflict, Luo Chen looked cold and prepared to come forward for the girl in white, the aura in the air fluctuated, and the dragon soul appeared again.

Mo Xi walked to Dragon Soul and asked, "Wait, Senior Dragon Soul, in the first level of assessment, there are a total of several special water elemental spirit crystals with the size of a small watermelon."

Dragon Soul: "There is only one, and that is the space where the Devil Emperor and this little girl are. The number 150 is the longest, and the special space drawn is of course the best."

Jin Ying'er also asked: "Senior, that is to say, apart from the space where the master and the devil emperor are, it is impossible for other spaces to have special spirit crystals larger than the small watermelon."

Dragon Soul nodded: "Yes, it is true."

The Dragon Soul's words made everyone's eyes looking at the girl in white complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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