Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1642: Consequences of hard loading 5

Chapter 1642 Consequences of Hard Installation 5

Sure enough... What Jin Ying'er and Mo Xi just said is true.

Did Senior Dragon Soul admit it in person? This **** queen of the Heavenly Spirit Realm really pretended.

Tsk tsk, this face was hit, and onlookers felt pain for the girl in white.

If you can't take it out, you can't take it out. There is no obligatory installation, and all kinds of excuses are returned. It's really... so they don't know what to say.

These people didn't say anything because of Luo Chen, but Luo Chen couldn't control what they thought.

Feeling everyone's complicated gaze, the white-clothed girl's face was completely lost, and the little sensation in her heart made smoke all over her body, but she had to work hard to restrain her face.

She lowered her eyes, and stared at Jin Ying'er and Mo Xi angrily from the rest of her eyes, wishing to tear the two **** who made her embarrassing to pieces.

There is also Jun Mohuang, and the star patriarch who insisted on her to take the special water elemental spirit crystal out.

If there is no such troublesome person, she would not be so embarrassed.

The star clan chief felt the anger of the white-clothed girl, and a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead.

Oops, the flattery hit the hoof.

I knew this was the result, and he wouldn't say a word if he killed him just now.

Dragon Soul expressed his delight in seeing this.

Hum, dare to dislike the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm, this is the end.

Finally, Luo Chen broke the strange and awkward silence.

"This rhetoric is what I want to say, I want to beat the Devil Emperor in his name, and it has nothing to do with Huang'er."

Luo Chen shielded the white-clothed girl from behind, blocking everyone's eyes.

He looked around the audience with oppressive eyes, spreading coldness.

No one dared to look at the girl in white, and looked away.

What this is Luo Chen's idea, a discerning person knows that this is Luo Chen's excuse for the girl in white.

The **** of the heavenly spirit world really loves his future **** queen.

In short, the first round of assessment was over, the white-clothed girl's lie was exposed on the spot, and Jun Mohuang became the biggest winner.

The second level officially begins.

The Dragon Soul introduced the rules of the second level, and then everyone discovered that the second level was a cheating lottery.

"Senior, shouldn't it be grouped like the last time."

If there are one hundred and fifty figures like the first time, their current talents are less than fifty.

With bad luck, I am afraid everyone will be eliminated.

"Of course not. Your group is still the continuation of the previous group. This time everyone will play the turntable together. It is absolutely difficult to evaluate the second level of your group."

"Come on, everyone, come up and turn the dial, which area the pointer points to, and which area is the difficulty of your next level."

As the dragon soul said, as soon as his sleeves flicked, a turntable appeared behind him.

There are six areas on the turntable that are particularly easy, simple, medium, difficult, particularly difficult and directly eliminated.

Medium, the most difficult area is the largest, and then it is eliminated and simple, followed by particularly difficult and particularly simple.

It is very simple and only occupies a small area, so small that it can be ignored, almost the width of only three pointers.

Many people looked at this turntable, crying without tears.

It is this kind of assessment that requires luck to open the market. Turning the table is even worse than drawing lots.

Especially the area directly eliminated is the turntable of this third largest area.

Dragon Soul looked at these people crying with a face, wanting to cry without tears, but having to go up to the small expression of turning the turntable, it felt very refreshing inside.

It's really boring to stay in the secret realm of Heavenly Dragon by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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