Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1640: Consequences of hard loading 3

Chapter 1640 The consequences of hard loading 3

They didn't dare to turn to Jin Ying'er, and they all targeted Mo Xi in unison.

The patriarch of the Star Clan took the lead and wanted to walk over and teach Mo Xi a lesson.

Chi Chi and the ten masters of the demon race immediately walked to Mo Xi and stared at him eagerly.

The patriarch of the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan who wanted to teach Mo Xi's thoughts, immediately withdrew their thoughts.

Now the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Nine Nether Realms can't tear their faces apart.

"Oh, it's interesting, she pretends by herself, and she doesn't insist on saying yes, you should let her show evidence, not me."

With so many masters of the Demon Race, Mo Xi is afraid of the Spirit Race members.

"Yes, if you really want to worry about this, let this woman show a special spirit crystal."

Mo Xi's words were unanimously approved by the dragons.

After confirming that the girl in white was the real culprit who killed Qinglin, the Dragon Race hated her to the extreme.

I can't wait to catch the girl in white immediately and kill her for life.

It is a pity that Luo Chen is by her side, and they still dare not start.

"Well, this matter..."

Luo Chen frowned slightly, and was about to speak to expose the incident.

In the center of the hall, a burst of spiritual energy twisted, and Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian, Mo Yaxi and Feng Yehan appeared at the same time.

The four of them were the last two groups to be transmitted.

Feng Yehan returned to a cold look and returned to Luo Chen.

Jun Mohuang took Mo Yaxi's hands, checked her carefully, and found that there was nothing serious about her before he was completely relieved.

As soon as Jun Mohuang appeared, Jin Ying'er and Mo Xi looked excited, and ran towards her while pulling her sleeves.

"Sister Mo Phoenix, you must have the largest special water elemental spirit crystal in your hand. Take it out and open your eyes to all of us."

"Yes, Master, as a dragon, I haven't seen the largest special spirit crystal. Let us see it."

Mo Xi and Jin Ying'er are sure that Jun Mohuang will be able to produce special crystals the size of a small watermelon.

So deliberately asked her to show it to everyone, embarrassing the girl in white.

"The largest-volume special water elemental spirit crystal, what do you mean?"

Jun Mohuang directly took out a water elemental spirit crystal the size of a cantaloupe.

Originally, the special spirit crystals growing next to the water element spirit spring were not that big, and I didn't know what was going on. The final time was about to come when the special spirit crystals collectively mutated.

It grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye under her eyelids.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cold air in the hall.

Everyone looked at the special spirit crystal the size of a cantaloupe in her hand, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Didn’t it mean that the Dragon Clan’s historical records stated that the largest water elemental spirit crystal was the size of a small watermelon?

The one that Jun Mohuang took out was at least one third larger than the so-called small watermelon.

Everyone looked at her enviously, and got a special spirit crystal that surpassed the historical records of the dragon family. The luck was so good.

Seeing the special spirit crystal in Jun Mohuang's hand, the white-clothed girl churned her fingers tightly, and even her sleeves were torn apart.

Why, why did she have bad luck in the first level, but this woman has such great luck.

From the moment Jun Mohuang took out the special spirit crystal, Luo Chen couldn't move his eyes away from her face.

The crystal-clear special-grade spirit crystal reflected the light of the night pearl into a seven-color halo, and sprinkled it on Jun Mohuang's small face, adding a moving color to her facial features.

I don't know what she really looks like, she must be very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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