Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1629: Don't be afraid

Chapter 1629 Don't be afraid

Enough for them to collect the specified amount within their respective time.

The luck of the other masters of the Demon Race is not bad, and it is not a problem to successfully pass the first test.

On Jun Mohuang's side, everyone is in a good mood.

Except Mo Yaxi.

She stood outside the underground palace and everyone entered, only she and Feng Yehan had not entered.

"Girl, is there any physical discomfort? I have a lot of pills here, we can wait for you to adjust before going in."

Feng Yehan saw her standing outside the gate of the underground palace with a tangled look on her face.

He took the initiative to walk to Mo Yaxi and took out more than ten white jade bottles.

Every white jade bottle contains an immortality.

Feng Yehan thought that she was still unfamiliar with the other party, and was not close enough to give her pulse directly.

He had to take out all the healing-related pills of the Space Ring and let Mo Yaxi choose by himself, to see which one she needed.

The assessment time for the first level is to be counted after entering Shimen.

Feng Yehan didn't care that she wasted time standing outside Shimen.

Even if it was a waste, they won the No. 149, and there was plenty of time.

Mo Yaxi hurriedly waved his hand: "Thank you. It's not that I'm sick, but because my strength is too low, I'm a little nervous."

She was really nervous, but it was definitely not because of her low strength.

But because of the wind and cold in the night.

About to enter Shimen and be alone with Feng Yehan, Mo Yaxi discovered that the so-called ordinary heart she had just mentioned was all nonsense.

"Don't be afraid."

Feng Yehan's lavender eyes flickered slightly, it turned out that she was afraid that she would be dragged down in the first level of assessment and would hurt herself.

He wanted to say "You don't need to be afraid, you won't drag me down", but it is not very polite to say that, after all, he is suspected of abandoning the other party.

So Feng Yehan could only say a few words briefly.

But these words reached Mo Yaxi's ears, but it was like a thunderstorm on the ground.

Mo Yaxi's face suddenly changed, and his whole body was shaking.

At that time... he said the same.

"Girl, you..."

Feng Yehan saw her face suddenly turned pale, and her tone was filled with worry that she hadn't noticed.

"I'm fine, let's go in now."

Mo Yaxi tried to calm her emotions. She had decided to forget all of this. What happened at that time and what this person said now has nothing to do with her.

She just treats him as a stranger.

Mo Yaxi straightened his back and took the initiative to walk to the door of Shimen.


Feng Yehan didn't understand what her abnormal mood was. The two parties were not familiar with each other, and it was difficult to ask more.

Mo Yaxi and Feng Yehan walked into the stone gate together.

Like everyone else, they came to a special space.

The place they came was at the foot of a ridge.

The distribution of gray rocks is messy. The sharp rocks are like canine teeth. On the rocks on the ridge, there are many transparent water element spars.

As long as you follow the direction of the ridge, you can harvest water elemental spirit crystals all the way.

Mo Yaxi glanced roughly and found that these water elemental spirit crystals were almost all top-grade water elemental spirit crystals.

The high-grade water elemental spirit crystals are mixed with some spirit crystals with higher quality than the high-grade water elemental spirit crystals.

The quality higher than the top-grade water elemental spirit crystals can only be legendary specials.

Mo Yaxi's shiny black eyes revealed a strange look, special-grade spirit crystals, whether it is to incubate an unborn baby in the Phoenix crystal or to practice after birth, it can be used to great use.

Of these three chapters, the first chapter is to supplement yesterday, and the last two chapters are today’s updates.

There are eight chapters at night.

Happy National Day everyone, waves up during the holidays~

(End of this chapter)

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