Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1630: Horoscope

Chapter 1630

Before entering Shimen, Jun Mohuang gave her and Mo Xi and the others a dagger made of gold crystals to facilitate the prying of water elemental spirit crystals.

Mo Yaxi confirmed the degree of danger here, took out the golden dagger, and began to pry the water elemental spirit crystal on the rock.

The golden dagger is indeed made of gold crystals, one at a time.

Mo Yaxi put all his attention on the water element spirit crystal, and quickly left Feng Yehan behind.

Feng Yehan saw that her body was normal and her expression was happy. She was not half uncomfortable and refused to admit defeat, so she was completely relieved and began to collect spiritual crystals in her own way.

In fact, he himself couldn't figure it out. He has always been arrogant and cold, and he is usually unwilling to say a word, let alone take the initiative to care for a woman who meets in peace.

Maybe... Maybe it's because she is from the Nine Nether Realm Demon Emperor's side, and neither the gods nor the devil emperor can tear their faces.

He was worried that what happened to the girl and his team would cause the relationship between the **** and the devil to deteriorate and cause unnecessary losses in the heavenly spirit world.

Feng Yehan found a fair and honest reason for himself, who was always concerned about Mo Yaxi, in his heart.

Then, in the process of collecting water elemental spirit crystals, he slowly approached Mo Yaxi.

Always follow Mo Yaxi about two meters away.

Mo Yaxi was focusing on collecting water elements, and did not even notice that Feng Yehan had brought the two closer together.

Half an hour later, Mo Yaxi took advantage of the golden crystal dagger and collected a thousand spirit crystals.

Among the thousand, one hundred are special water elemental spirit crystals.

One hundred special water elemental spirit crystals would directly cause a sensation, but this amount was not enough for her.

This time, Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng were unable to enter the Heavenly Dragon Realm because of their own blood. She once heard Jun Mohuang said that she planned to improve the blood of the three.

In Baiyu City, Feng Yunqi and the three of them have a very good relationship with all the Mo people.

Mo Yaxi and the three of them regard them as trusted partners.

Therefore, Mo Yaxi has to collect as many special water elemental spirit crystals as possible for the three friends.

However, the speed of collecting special water elemental spirit crystals is too slow.

Only one hundred in half an hour.

One hundred, not even one of them to raise the bloodline level, I am afraid not even one tenth.

In the lower half of this ridge, there is no difference in size between the special water elemental spirit crystal and other spirit crystals.

As it goes up, the location where the special water elemental spirit crystals grow slowly becomes the edge of the ridge, and the size has also changed from the size of a longan to the size of a table tennis ball.

Among the high-grade water elemental spirit crystals, it is particularly conspicuous.

As it goes up, the special water elemental spirit crystal grows bigger and bigger.

Mo Yaxi's eyes lit up when he saw the special water elemental spirit crystal that had grown in size.

She was worried that the speed of collecting special water elemental spirit crystals was too slow, and the size of the special quality spirit crystals would become bigger.

This luck is simply not too good.

Mo Yaxi was happy in his heart and walked to the edge of the ridge with the golden dagger.

On the rock in front of her, a special water elemental spirit crystal the size of a table tennis ball grew.

The rock was born abruptly, extending into the air from the edge of the ridge.

She was cautious and confirmed with aura that the rock was very stable and would not fall.

It doesn't matter, even if it falls, she still has flying monsters and wings to use.

Mo Yaxi boldly walked to the rock and carefully pried off the special water elemental spirit crystal with the golden dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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