Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1628: Special Water Elemental Spirit Crystal 2

Chapter 1628 Special Water Elemental Spirit Crystal 2

The spiritual spring of water element is a liquid state formed by the condensation of countless water elements.

It is the predecessor of the water elemental spirit crystal.

Although the water elemental spirit is the predecessor of the spirit crystal, it is more conducive to direct and massive absorption.

Regardless of the absorption rate and utilization rate, they are dozens of times the water elemental spirit crystal.

Feeling the large amount of water element in the body running with spiritual energy, directly broke through the barrier of the seventh stage of Yuanzun realm and reached the early stage of the eighth stage of Yuanzun realm.

Jun Mohuang's lips smiled, her luck was overwhelming.

Just so much time, the speed of increase is so fast, soaking for two and a half hours, the effect will be exciting to think about.

"Ling Tian, ​​you won't come to Bubbles."

Jun Mohuang took off the disguise mask on his face, rolled over comfortably, and lay down on a smooth round stone, looking at Emperor Lingtian. For Emperor Lingtian, everything that improves his strength is a cloud.

He is now the ninth-order Great Perfection of Yuansheng, and his strength can't be further refined until the internal injuries are cured.

However, the large amount of water element in the water element spirit spring has the effect of relieving and inhibiting his dark wounds, and a water mirror spirit pill will double the healing effect.

Of course Jun Mohuang didn't want him to miss such a good opportunity.

The girl in front of her had wet black hair, and a few strands of hair were tightly attached to her little face.

The black hair set off the skin on her face as white as jade.

The white, crystal-clear skin was tinged with a faint pink color from the hot springs, the eyes were watery, and the lips were red and full.

At this moment, Jun Mohuang had taken off all defenses from his whole body, and showed all her beauty.

"Huang'er, do you know what you are doing."

Di Ling Tian's **** eyes darkened, walked into the water element spirit spring, and gathered her whole person.

"It's not like we haven't been together."

The good smell that belongs to Emperor Lingtian alone envelops Jun Mohuang.

She made her cheeks flush with his voice and her heart was beating.

This enchanting evildoer is really intriguing everywhere.

"Come on, Ling Tian, ​​it's time to take medicine."

Jun Mohuang quickly put a water mirror spirit pill to his lips.

This is in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm, not in the bathroom in their bedroom.

What if he was peeked by the mysterious old dragon soul.

"Little villain, let you go this time."

Di Lingtian's eyes were fierce, and he opened his lips to take the water mirror spirit pill and deliberately took a bite on her fingertips.

Since returning to the Nine Nether Realm with him, knowing that she is temporarily safe, this girl has become more and more courageous.

It doesn't matter, he has a bill in his mind.

Jun Mohuang quickly retracted his finger, and the place he had bitten was numb, spreading from his fingertips to the bottom of his heart.

"Huang'er, waiting for your second phoenix crystal to grow out, waiting for her second phoenix crystal to grow out, then it will be useless for you to act like a baby."

Di Lingtian let go of her and started to refine the water mirror spirit pill with his eyes closed.

Did Di Lingtian mean to settle accounts after Autumn?

Jun Mohuang put her hand on her waist, so why did she suddenly have the illusion of backache?

No matter, let's talk about it then.

Jun Mohuang implemented the ostrich policy and put this matter behind.

Holding the golden dagger, she kept her body immersed in the water, and began to pry the special water elemental spirit crystals growing on the edge of the hot spring.


After Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian entered the most central gate, Chi Chi and Mo Xi, Jin Ying'er and Mo Ranchen, as well as other masters of the Demon Race entered the corresponding stone gates one after another.

Chi Chi and Mo Xi, Jin Ying'er and Mo Ranchen both had good luck, and there were a lot of water element spirit crystals in the special space after entering Shimen.

(End of this chapter)

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