Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1616: Wonderful counterattack 3

Chapter 1616 Wonderful Counterattack 3

"What the **** is going on, and who the real culprit is, I think everyone can see clearly. Looking back at the jade symbol, everything that happened in the past appears back in time. You can't lie or fake it.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the corpse of Qinglong at his feet, sighed slightly, and walked back to Di Lingtian.

Looking back at the jade symbol, it was not the first time that Emperor Lingtian used it.

When in Cangyuan Continent, there was a killer organization that wanted to kill her, but Di Lingtian used this jade symbol to give it a pot.

This kind of jade amulet is very powerful. It can trace back and reproduce the previous scene through space, the body of a person or a monster.

Just now Jun Mohuang was looking back at the jade symbol, using this lost body of the dragon as the coordinates to reproduce the scene when it died.

However, due to space constraints, in the high-plane continents, retrospective jade symbols can only reproduce the scene at that time, and cannot change the facts that have already happened.

"The princess said that there must be a misunderstanding in this, how could Master Jun kill the dragon clan."

Jin Ying'er was completely relieved to find out the real culprit.

She has been suffering from last night until now, and now she can rest assured.

Jin Ying'er's words made the Dragon Race in a state of anger and hatred feel guilt in her heart.

From the beginning to the end, Jun Mohuang was innocent, but they listened to this woman's slander and spoke harshly to Jun Mohuang.

Thinking of this, the anger in the dragons' hearts burned even more.

The eyes of the dragons became red and fierce because of anger.

"You vicious woman!"

"You still want to use the Demon Qi Beads on Master Jun's head to provoke our Dragon Race and Master Jun to fight with the entire Nine Nether World Realm. You can take the opportunity to take the position of Master Jun and help the Heavenly Spirit World and the Heavenly Dragon World to have a good relationship , So insidious!"

"We, Tianlong Realm, don't welcome this kind of woman, get out immediately!"

"Yes, get out of the Heavenly Dragon Realm immediately, this kind of woman, don't stay in the Heavenly Dragon Realm and pollute our air!"

"Yes, since she dared to kill one dragon, she would dare to kill the second one. Such a vicious woman must not be tolerated, even if she is the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world!"

"His Royal Highness, must list this woman as the number one enemy of the Dragon Clan, and catch her immediately after recognizing her in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and use her method to deal with Qinglin, first plucking her skin, and then convulsing her!"

The dragons were filled with righteous indignation, looking at the gaze of the white-clothed girl, wishing to kill her immediately.

The strong hatred, the irritation being fooled, the dragons did not care that Luo Chen was here, they had already begun to discuss how to deal with the white-clothed girl.

"The prince announced that the future **** queen of the heavenly spirit world is the number one enemy of the dragon clan in the entire heavenly dragon world."

Jin Yu was too lazy to greet Luo Chen beforehand, and directly sentenced the girl in white to death.

Under the eyelids of all the dragons in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, they openly killed the dragons and tried to frame them.

It also made him slap his sister.

There is nothing to discuss about this matter.

At Jin Yu's order, all the dragons' faces looked like they could finally avenge their companions.

Faced with the condemnation of the dragons, Jin Yu pronounced the sentence, and drops of cold sweat were drawn from the forehead of the girl in white.

She wanted to defend herself. She wanted to say that the jade charms Jun Mohuang took out were fake and everything was her conspiracy.

However, this excuse was not convincing, and she was embarrassed to say this.

"Huang'er, you..."

Lian Luo Chen looked at her in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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