Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1617: You can't abandon me anymore

Chapter 1617 You can't abandon me anymore

After being reborn, Huang'er had always been gentle and kind, and suddenly transformed into such a **** and cruel appearance, Luo Chen's heart was extremely complicated.

"Brother Chen, I...I didn't mean it. The food made by that woman is very popular among the dragons. I'm afraid that all the dragons will stand on the side of the Nine Netherworld in the future. think……"

The white-clothed girl pretended to be crying, but in fact a wave of nameless anger rose in her heart.

Heh, why, that **** Mo Huang was even more vicious than her.

Luo Chen still loves her to the death, but also praises her for being jealous.

She is now holding Mo Phoenix's face and identity, killing a dragon Luo Chen is just this pair of eyes.

Sure enough, a man is cheap, and he won't cherish it if he gets it.

Before Luo Chen could answer, Jun Mohuang took the lead to speak.

"The god, this time your future **** queen did this without you, it is too much. For the sake of the whole heavenly spirit world, it is better for the **** to endure the pain and sever the relationship with her."

Seeing that the white-clothed girl was in such a situation, she leisurely returned to Di Lingtian and took a sip of tea in her cup.

Return what the girl in white said to Di Lingtian just now.

Before the retrospective jade symbol is used, it also takes a certain amount of time to start.

Therefore, Jun Mohuang was unable to produce the most powerful evidence in the first place.

The words she just said were delaying time, waiting for the completion of the activation of Di Lingtian's retrospective jade symbol.

However, it turns out that this time was not wasted.

If it weren't for the time that was delayed before, how could this woman have the opportunity to deliberately draw the sight of the Dragon Race to her and the Demon Qi Bead.

Let all the dragons mistakenly believe that it was her murderous hand.

She would not have discovered that this woman actually still had the ability to condense the demon energy on her face that was pressing on her back into demon energy beads.

Now all the truth is clear, and the dragons are even more angry after being fooled by the girl in white.

No, in front of Luo Chen's face, the skin cramps were all said, and Luo Chen's face was not considered at all.

At that time, these dragon races were scrupulous about Emperor Ling Tian, ​​but they only said that they would ask her to leave the Heavenly Dragon Realm and list her as the number one enemy.

When the white-clothed girl heard Jun Mohuang return her words with her, blood surged in her brain.

This bitch, at this time actually came to the bottom.

This was what she said at the time to persuade Emperor Lingtian to abandon Jun Mohuang, but she did not expect that Feng Shui would take turns. In the end, it was not Jun Mohuang who was unlucky, but herself.

"Brother Chen, you can't abandon me anymore, you have abandoned me once..."

The white-clothed girl soon had an idea in her heart. Following Jun Mohuang's words, she looked at Luo Chen with an expression of pleading and sadness in her eyes.

"Huang'er, this lord knows that everything you do is for the sake of this lord, for the heavenly spirit world, this lord will never abandon you in this life."

Seeing the begging look in her clear eyes, Luo Chen held the hand of the girl in white, full of guilt in his heart.

No matter what Huang'er became, all of this was his fault, and the consequences of all this must be borne by him.

"Prince, the result of your verdict just now, this monarch and all the spirit races in the heavenly spirit world will not accept it."

Luo Chen squeezed the little hand of the girl in white, giving her strength in this way.

"The gods mean that they want to tear their faces with our Heavenly Dragon Realm?"

Jin Yu sneered, sharp eyes pointed at the white-clothed girl.

This woman really has two brushes, and she actually hooked the **** of the heavenly spirit world to a fall out with the heavenly dragon world for her.

The four chapters owed yesterday, please make up first.

(End of this chapter)

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