Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1615: Wonderful counterattack 2

Chapter 1615 Wonderful Counterattack 2

Di Lingtian, he could actually engrave this kind of jade, even Luo Chen couldn't do it.

His divine power has been restored to this level.

Luo Chen's deep black eyes darkened, looking at Emperor Lingtian.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips twitched lightly, and a provocative smile returned.

"Everyone, be optimistic, I have a backtracking jade charm in my hand. Now, let us see what happened to this blue dragon."

Jun Mohuang walked to Qinglong's corpse and smashed the jade talisman with his small hands.

In an instant, the light blue halo glowing on the jade symbol completely enveloped the dead blue dragon.

Wherever the light blue halo goes, space is distorted and time flows backwards.

The scene in the main hall suddenly changed into the dragon's lair of this blue dragon.

Now, everyone is in the dragon lair of this blue dragon, and the body of the blue dragon on the ground has disappeared.

The dead blue dragon seemed to have come back alive. It dragged its injured body back to its dragon lair.

After the blue dragon returned to the Dragon Cave, he went back to casually licked the wound to stop the bleeding, then ignored it, lay down and closed his eyes to rest.

The dragon clan's own resilience is very strong, this bit of skin trauma is nothing at all.

All the dragons stared at this scene in a daze.

The scene in front of me was so lifelike, it was exactly the same as the Dragon Cave where the Qinglong died.

Even the breathing of Qinglong in front of him can be heard clearly.

"It's Qinglin!"

The few dragons who had made friends with this blue dragon, saw its shape when it was alive, tears filled their eyes.

They couldn't help reaching out to touch them, and walked through Qinglin's body, touching a piece of nothingness.

These dragons immediately woke up. This was just recreating the scene before Qinglin was killed, not true.

The faces of all the dragons showed an angry look. They wanted to see who in the end brutally killed Qinglin.

The blue dragon closed its eyes and rested for less than ten minutes. At the entrance of the dragon's cave, the figure of the girl in white and the maid appeared.

Although the eyes of the girl in white were covered with light gauze, everyone recognized her at a glance.

Then, they saw with their own eyes that the girl in white used amulets to cover her breath and the sound of walking.

With the help of the maid, she walked into the dragon's cave, first put a drug on Qinglin, then put on golden gloves, crushed two magical energy beads, and smeared them on Qinglin's wound.

What happened then made all the dragons tremble with anger, and they wished to rush up and tear the girl in white to pieces.

The girl in white took out a golden long sword. She directly killed the blue dragon, pulled out the dragon scales, cramped the dragon tendons, and then removed the special spar between the blue dragon's forehead...

The whole process was extremely bloody, and the girl in white did not show any fear or hesitation.

On the contrary, her lips are smiling and her expression is relaxed and cheerful. It can be seen that she enjoys it very much when she does all this.

The blood that kept flowing from Qinglong's body didn't even touch her.

The girl in white dress in white dress is beautiful, with a gentle and gentle look between the eyebrows and eyes.

Such her can make people feel protective at first sight.

But it was such a woman who looked weak and abnormal, holding a butcher knife, cruelly killed their kind, and tried to plant this matter on Master Jun's head.

After the white-clothed girl killed Qinglin and left the dragon's cave, all the sights disappeared.

Everyone found themselves back on the main hall.

The girl in white squeezed her sleeves tightly, her small face was white, her forehead was covered with dense cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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