Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1547: The deity is even more excessive

Chapter 1547 The deity is even more excessive

Di Lingtian had been indifferent to her just now, but he was just jealous.

"What are you, the devil's queen apologizes to you, and you deserve it."

Di Ling's **** eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light in his eyes flashed, responding to her with an indifferent tone, leaving no trace of affection at all.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you... how can you say that..."

The white-clothed girl was holding her heart in disbelief, stepping back two steps as if she could not bear the blow, weakly leaning against Luo Chen and barely standing.

Her face was exactly the same as Jun Mohuang's face, but her temperament was softer.

Now that this battered, pitiful look, coupled with that charming face, makes a man feel distressed.

But this obviously did not include Di Lingtian.

The girl in white leaned on Luo Chen, her eyes drooping slightly.

Where no one could see, there was a strong emotion in her eyes.

Di Lingtian didn't actually buy the account of this face, how could this be possible!

She didn't believe that Jun Mohuang had such a magical power to replace this face in Di Lingtian's heart.

A woman who took out three roasted chicken legs to the Dragon Clan and did such a shameful thing would not believe that Di Lingtian liked this kind of woman even if she killed her.

This must be Di Lingtian still angry and jealous, to blame her for choosing Luo Chen.

"Di Lingtian, don't you think your words and deeds towards Huang'er are too much."

Luo Chen felt distressed and held the white-clothed girl in his arms, with an obvious anger in his eyes as deep as the night sky.

"I don't think. The deity is even more exaggerated, do you and your woman want to see it."

Di Lingtian smiled coldly, and the scarlet blood in his blood pupils flickered slightly.

"You... Huang'er kindly wants to help you, you don't know what to say!"

"Di Lingtian, if you refuse Huang'er's kindness and insist on defending this woman, stay at the border of the Heavenly Dragon Realm and never get in!"

Luo Chen glanced at Di Lingtian for the last time, his eyes turned to Jun Mohuang.

If he was disappointed in Jun Mohuang just now, now he is extremely disappointed in her.

She would actually encourage Di Lingtian to treat Huang'er like this.

"Huang'er, this kind of person, you don't need to feel any guilt for him at all."

Luo Chen lowered his head and spoke softly, comforting the white-clothed girl in his arms.

Take her hand in the direction of the crystal flying boat.

The white-clothed girl gave Di Lingtian a worried and distressed look.

"Devil Emperor, I'm sorry, according to the rules, neither the Devil Emperor nor the Nine Nether Realm and his party can enter the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

The little boss of the three dragons reiterated this to Di Lingtian again.

Jun Mohuang looked at the three dragons: "It's still the same sentence, you didn't eat it, so you just jumped to judgement, is it too childish."

"This lady, please don't insult the taste of our dragon race!"

Facing Jun Mohuang, the little boss finally couldn't bear it, his tone was angry.

The three dragons returned all the three chicken legs in their hands to Jun Mohuang.


Somewhere in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, a pale golden dragon was flying fast among the clouds.

On the pale golden dragon, there was a black figure sitting.

This pale golden dragon is Jin Ying'er.

The black figure is naturally stained with ink.

When Jin Ying'er learned that Mo Ranchen's family was coming to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, she had already made up her mind to pick up people at the border in person.

No, after Mo Ranchen received the news that her family had left, Jin Yinger estimated the time.

Now, the two are about to hit their destination.

(End of this chapter)

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