Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1546: You TM are kidding me

Chapter 1546 You are teasing me

In the three dragons, in the doubts and expectations of everyone.

Jun Mohuang took out three hot roasted chicken legs with attractive golden color from the space ring.

"Take it to eat."

Jun Mohuang casually put the chicken legs wrapped in oil paper into the hands of the three dragons.

The three dragons were dumbfounded after seeing the drumsticks in their hands clearly.

There is an expression on the faces of the three dragons that you are teasing me.

Roasted chicken thighs... also called gourmet food, please don't insult their IQ!

The girl in white saw the three chicken legs that Jun Mohuang took out, and a mocking expression on her face was fleeting.

Behind the three dragon tribes, the spiritual tribe of the heavenly spirit world saw what Jun Mohuang took out, and began to cover his mouth and laugh, whispering.

God, does this woman understand the rules?

The dragons of the Heavenly Dragon Realm are the most enjoyable, and the taste is the most tricky. Every food that can impress them, whether it is the cultivation, selection and processing of ingredients, must be perfect.

She actually took out such casual food as roasted chicken legs, is she beggar!

Fortunately, she just looked like she was confident that she would be able to surpass the Queen of God, so she was so laughing.

Although it smells good, it can't change the fact that this is three chicken legs.

The three dragons held the chicken legs in their hands.

Di Lingtian was standing next to him, wouldn't he just throw it away for not giving the Nine Nether World Devil Emperor the face.

One of the dragons, who looked like a head, considered the language and said to Jun Mohuang

"This girl, the food you brought out is unqualified. According to the regulations, you cannot enter."

"Devil Emperor, offended, we just act according to the rules."

This dragon clan then saluted Di Lingtian again.

Jun Mohuang stared at the three dragons: "You haven't tasted it before, so how come you know that my food can't match her."


The three dragons whispered their lips silently, feeling that she didn't know the eating habits of their dragons, so she dared to enter the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Should they say that she is bold or ignorant.

"This girl, the Dragon Race of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, won't eat food cooked by ordinary methods like you, you have to..."

The girl in white made a sound at the right time and began to force Jun Mohuang to popularize science with a gesture of "I know more than you".

"Excuse me, shut up, I didn't ask you anything."

Jun Mohuang's eyes were like sharp blades, piercing the white-clothed girl.

The girl in white was choked by her, her face turned white, her hands clenched into fists in her sleeves.

This woman is so bold that she dare to shut her up!

"Huang'er is just kind, why do you treat her like this."

Luo Chen swept the white-clothed girl in his arms, and looked at Jun Mohuang with disappointment.

He always thought that she was a nice girl, her temper was a little colder, and she was kind and sincere in her heart.

Today she repeatedly treated the girl in white with rudeness again and again, and Luo Chen was disappointed with her.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you have seen the current situation. As long as you agree to the conditions I just put forward and ask this girl to apologize to me, my proposal just now is still valid."

The white-clothed girl forcibly suppressed the unhappy emotion in her heart, ignored Jun Mohuang, and directly extended an olive branch to Emperor Lingtian.

This woman embarrassed Di Lingtian, but she was able to help Di Lingtian at a critical moment. It was already clear who was good and who was bad.

No, just based on her face, she doesn't need to compare with Jun Mohuang.

(End of this chapter)

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