Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1548: Sorry i won

Chapter 1548 Sorry, I won

The closer she was to the border, the more nervous Jin Yinger was.

"Husband, I will see your family soon, do you say that if I transform directly in front of them like this, will you scare them?"

"Husband, how did I dress when I went out today? Will it be ugly?"

"Husband, I..."

She was afraid that she would make a bad first impression in front of Mo Ranchen's family, and she was worried in all aspects.

Mo Ranchen said in a soothing tone: "Princess, you are perfect today, don't worry about your image."

"Don't worry about my family being scared by you. They will definitely like you."

In fact, he didn't really want to say these things in his heart.

He and Jin Ying'er only knew each other for a few days, and they were involved in discussing marriage. Mo Ranchen refused in his heart.

It's not that he hates Jin Ying'er.

Jin Ying'er has a simple and innocent personality. As a princess in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, she doesn't have all kinds of arrogance or arrogance, she is a very good girl.

He just felt that the speed was too fast to expand, too fast that he could accept it.

But in the past few days, as long as he showed this meaning slightly, Jin Ying'er looked nervous and looked at him pitifully, with a miserable appearance of being abandoned.

Mo Ranchen was softhearted, and stopped mentioning it after mentioning it twice.


Jin Ying'er breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, but she was still very nervous.

Mo Ranchen: "Of course it is true, I don't have to lie to you."

"Hehehe, husband, you are the best."

Jin Yinger laughed happily.

"Princess, we said before, you can't call me husband again."

"Sorry, Aran, I always can't remember."

Jin Yinger's tone was apologetic.

No, no, this must be changed, and you can call when there are only two of them in private.

Speaking like this in front of your husband’s family will scare your husband’s family. It’s not good.

She wants to treat her husband's family well, moisturize things silently like a spring rain, and please them from all aspects.

After they completely accept her, there will be more opportunities to call the husband in front of the husband's family.

Jin Ying'er made up her mind and was in a good mood, swinging the dragon's tail happily, flying faster.


The boundary of the Celestial Dragon Realm.

The conscience of heaven and earth, to the dragons who are extremely picky about food, the three bland roasted chicken legs of Jun Mohuang are like moldy steamed buns to them, and they cannot be swallowed at all.

But due to Di Lingtian's presence, these three dared not throw the roasted chicken legs directly to the ground, so they could only return it to Jun Mohuang.

The three dragons were handing out the chicken legs, and a light golden light descended from the sky.

The pale golden light disappeared, and the figures of Jin Ying'er and Mo Ranchen appeared beside the three dragons.

"Princess... Your Royal Highness, why are you here."

"It's so fragrant, what are you hiding?"

As soon as Jin Ying'er landed with ink stained dust, she smelled a very special fragrance.

The scent is not very strong, but Goudu's heart is itchy, and she will be uncomfortable if she doesn't eat it immediately.

Following the scent, Jin Yinger's eyes fell on the chicken legs in the hands of the three.

Her eyes lit up, and she instantly forgot about the business of seeing Mo Ranchen's family and leaving a good impression in front of them.

I grabbed one immediately and stuffed it into my mouth.

The moment the chicken leg enters, the entrance melts, and thousands of exquisite flavors dance on every taste bud on the tip of the tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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