Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1517: Emperor Lingtian jealous 1

Chapter 1517 Di Lingtian is jealous 1

As a result, although the weapon refiners here barely waited for their respective level standards in their level, the attack and defense attributes are actually too poor.

Jun Mohuang is now only an eight-star magic weapon refiner, relying on the gold element, without the assistance of the gold crystal, can barely make a one-star fairy weapon.

But at this level of refining, she actually destroyed all the three-star artifacts made by the Jin Family Patriarch.

It's not that she is too powerful, but the enemy is too incompetent.

The refiners of the Nine Nether Realm did not completely master all the attributes and parameters of the raw materials of the refiners, but only part of them.

At least, that was the case with the refining materials that Jun Mohuang came into contact with last night.

But judging from the consternation of these demons, I am afraid that the raw materials of the entire Nine Nether Realm Refining Artifacts are like this.

Without fully understanding the attributes and parameters of the raw material of the refiner, it is impossible to stimulate all the characteristics of this raw material.

Even some of the refining materials are completely opposite to each other in certain attributes and functions, but the Nine Nether Realm refining masters smelt these materials together without any treatment without knowing it.

It is a strange thing that a weapon that can be refined in such a silly way, that can beat Jun Mohuang.

After all, through the power of induction, the various attribute parameters and effects of the raw materials of the opponent's refining equipment are clear.

"Slow down, what are you doing in such a hurry."

Seeing Jun Mohuang got up in a hurry, Di Lingtian stretched out his hand to support her, for fear that she would fall accidentally.

Jun Mohuang laughed dumbly, and at the same time felt warm in his heart.

She is a strong person of Yuanzun realm, she is indeed very weak in front of Emperor Lingtian, but she is not so vulnerable to this point.

What Jun Mohuang didn't know was that Emperor Lingtian personally used the talisman to restore the image at the time based on the voice record in that jade talisman and the frequency of spiritual fluctuations in it.

Di Lingtian's heart hurts at the thought of her appearance at the time.

In his opinion, Jun Mohuang is very fragile. If you don't pay attention to her, she will do something big for you.

So it needs careful maintenance.

Jun Mohuang asked: "Ling Tian, ​​you have known for a long time the loopholes in the refiners of the Nine Nether Realm refiners are correct."

Di Lingtian must have discovered it before, and she wondered why he didn't solve this matter early.

The weapon has a problem, but the impact is not just as simple as the weapon itself.

This will directly affect the strength of the army and the entire Nine Nether Realm.


The fact is as Jun Mohuang expected.

"Then why don't you..."

Why not settle this matter.

"Huang'er, I told you yesterday that I also have things I can't do."

Di Lingtian stroked her hair lightly.

In fact, he can solve half of it.

But if he had solved this half of the problem beforehand and asked Jun Mohuang to solve the remaining half, the deterrent power of this group of demons would naturally be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Di Lingtian simply waited, waiting for Jun Mohuang to arrive at the Nine Nether Realm.

"It doesn't matter, Ling Tian, ​​I will help you with this matter."

Jun Mohuang was happy, she had always wanted to do something for Emperor Lingtian, now it's good, except for Shui Jingshan, she can solve the loopholes in the refinement in the Nine Nether Realm for him.

"Come, Ling Tian, ​​quickly give me all the raw materials for the Nine Nether World Realm."

Jun Mohuang began to ask Di Lingtian for various refining materials.

It only needs to be memorized by her with the power of induction, re-compile the Nine Nether Realm Refining Cheats, and then give the new refining Cheats to the Refining Masters.

(End of this chapter)

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