Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1518: Emperor Ling Tian jealous 2

Chapter 1518 Di Lingtian is jealous 2

"Why panic? Don't worry about it for a while. Go, Huang'er, I'll take you around in the magic palace."

Di Lingtian was not in a hurry.

He brought Jun Mohuang back to the Netherworld Realm, and he never thought of letting her leave alone again.

There is plenty of time.


In this way, Emperor Mohuang was taken by Emperor Lingtian and wandered around the main palace of the Demon Palace.

Along the way, countless demons were disrespectful to Dai Jun and Mohuang, trembling, and even with a trace of fear.

These demons obviously already know everything that happened at the banquet last night and today in the big square at the entrance of the magic palace.

They were afraid that they would make Jun Mohuang unhappy, so they would not tell the refiner of Nine Nether World Realm of her special refining method.

Jun Mohuang's attitude towards these demons was also a bit drunk.

Forget it, it’s just like this is the world.

After several days passed, Di Lingtian took Jun Mohuang to rest in the bedroom or take her to various interesting places in the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Jun Mohuang had very little time every day to sense the raw materials of the Nine Nether Realm Refining Artifacts.

After she complained countless times, Di Lingtian finally stopped insisting on taking her out to play.

Jun Mohuang finally had a lot of time, and he spent time sensing various refining materials.

Well, it wasn't that Jun Mohuang's complaint was fruitful, but that Di Lingtian took her to visit all the interesting places in the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

In addition to recording various refining materials, Jun Mohuang also met the refining masters in the magic palace.

In the process of sensing certain raw materials, she discovered that the existing refining techniques of the Nine Nether Realm were not enough to deal with the hidden attributes in these refining materials.

Through her oral narration in written form, it is also difficult to explain clearly and must be explained in person.

Then... the tactics of these demon craftsmen, Jun Mohuang looked really horrible, and couldn't help but mention them.

The craftsman in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, especially the craftsman in the Demon Palace, had long been looking forward to seeing Jun Mohuang early, and was very respectful and happy to receive her personal guidance.

Jun Mohuang's work and rest became, in the morning he recorded various refining materials, and stayed with these refining masters in the afternoon.

The refiners thought it was a lot of pressure to get along with Jun Mohuang, after all, this was their queen, and the identity of the emperor was at the same level.

The demons of the Nine Netherworld Realm had a very bad first impression on the queen, and the queen would definitely dislike them.

Facts have proved that these refiners are all worried.

Jun Mohuang had absolutely nothing to do with these refiners because of his relationship with Di Lingtian, and his eyebrows were cold.

On the contrary, Jun Mohuang was very friendly and patient throughout the whole process, and answered all questions they asked.

I also have great respect for the older veteran mixers.

The refining masters in the magic palace are basically experienced and experienced veteran refining masters who have their own understanding of refining tools.

If it were not for the inherent loopholes in the Nine Nether Realm Refining Stage that caused their weapon quality and handling methods to be incorrect, Jun Mohuang would not be qualified to teach these old refining masters how to refining.

In the process of communicating with them, she also benefited a lot and learned a lot.

These refiners were treated like this by Jun Mohuang, all of them were flattered, and they respected and loved her even more in their hearts.

The vision of Emperor Zun, as always, has nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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