Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1516: The second phoenix crystal is not so good 2

Chapter 1516 The second Phoenix crystal, the situation is not so good 2

How dare he mess around under the eyelids of a strong Yuanhuang realm.

Chi Chi glanced at the middle-aged manager: "Take someone out!"

"Yes, yes, the villain gets out immediately."

The middle-aged manager shoved Mu Yao Yao back into the black hemp egg again, resisting on his shoulders and disappearing as quickly as possible.

Chi Chi did the last thing and returned to the magic palace as quickly as possible.


Demon Palace, the study room of Emperor Lingtian's bedroom.

"It's over?"

Di Lingtian sat on the chair at will, checking this piece of information in his hand, not surprised by Chi Chi's sudden appearance.

Chi Chi respectfully said: "Yes, noble, your subordinates let the sky..."

Chi Chi intends to tell his superiors about all his methods. After all, Di Lingtian just asked him to deal with the demon girls who offended the hostess, and did not tell him exactly what to do.

"The deity is not interested in the fate of those women."

Di Lingtian cast a sharp glance.

Just the passing of a glance, silently, there is a strong pressure.

Feeling the surrounding air suddenly become cold, Chi Chi knelt on the ground, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Di Lingtian's tone was cold and indifferent to the extreme: "If the previous thing happens again, no matter how Huang'er intercedes with you, you will only have a dead end."

At this moment, he was completely different from the one in front of Jun Mohuang.

"My lord, my subordinates promise not to commit another crime!"

Chi Chi's expression stunned, and he understood in an instant. The previous thing that Di Lingtian said was that he ignored the order and revealed what Shui Jing Linggen had known to the mistress.

It was because he hadn't kept his mouth shut at the time that the hostess was almost killed by the Jade Family Patriarch.

"go away."

"Yes, sir."

Classmate Chi Chi rolled round and smooth.

Di Lingtian looked at the information in his hand and felt very bad.

While Jun Mohuang was sleeping, he flipped through some information about the second Phoenix Crystal of the Mo clan woman, and the result was not good.

Huang'er in his family is not an authentic Mo female, and he has been infiltrated by demonic energy. I am afraid it will be very difficult to grow a second Phoenix crystal normally.

If the second phoenix crystal cannot grow smoothly, the problem here is too great.

It's not just a matter of his little happiness.

Di Lingtian took the information in his hand back to the space ring and walked back to the bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, his feet automatically adjusted to a silent state.

Di Lingtian walked to the bed, looked at Jun Mohuang's peaceful sleeping face, stretched out his hand to caress her little face, his heart became soft.

Huang'er in his family is cute and beautiful, no matter when she is acting like a baby, or when she beats the witches who don't know the height of the sky, she still sleeps in sleep.

In short, he never gets tired of it.

Di Lingtian's hand couldn't help but whirling her little face twice.

"Ling Tian, ​​you're harassing me again."

Jun Mohuang slowly opened his eyes and moved his hand aside.

When on the black flying boat, Di Lingtian liked to trouble her when she was sleeping.

"Little lazy pig, still sleeping."

Seeing her bewildered and cute, Di Lingtian couldn't help holding her in his arms.

"How long have I slept."

Jun Mohuang covered his lips with a small hand and yawned.

Perhaps it was because of the devilish energy, she was very sleepy in the Nine Nether Realm.

"Four hours."

"Four hours, so long, don't you call me!"

Jun Mohuang's sleepiness immediately disappeared without a trace, and she sat up and put on her clothes.

There were huge loopholes in the Nine Nether Realm refining tools, this situation could not be dragged on any longer.

Today is updated...

(End of this chapter)

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