Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1449: Just luck

Chapter 1449 is just luck

Mu Yaoyao was also very uncomfortable for Jun Mohuang's successful refining of Jin Ling.

This was the first family to find fault. Jun Mohuang managed to survive this time by luck, and there will be no such good luck next time.

And based on Mu Yaoyao's understanding of the Jin family, the Jin family would definitely not let it go.

After all, Jin Zhiling is the heirloom of their family.

This thought just flashed in Mu Yaoyao's mind, diagonally across, as expected, the Jin family became restless.

Many people in the Jin family saw Jun Mohuang successfully refining Jin Zhiling, and they thought they were unlucky.

But not everyone in the Jin family thinks so.

Jin Linger is one of the representatives.

"Hmph, Jun Mohuang, you just happened to be lucky to refine the Golden Ling!"

"Even if you can refine tools, so what, your level of refining is just average, and it doesn't even reach the level that matches the emperor!"

"This young lady wants to challenge you! If you can win this young lady in refining, this young lady will be convinced of you and recognize you as the future queen of the Nine Nether World!"

Jin Linger saw that the family heirloom had been thrown into Jun Mohuang's hands. The key point was that Jun Mohuang was able to refine Jin Zhiling by luck, not on his own strength.

Jin Ling'er refused to accept it and immediately stood up, looked at the Emperor Mohuang above the hall, and challenged her.

Upon seeing this, the head of the Jin family wanted to stop it.

He didn't care about the deaths of eight or ten other daughters who offended Jun Mohuang.

But Jin Ling'er couldn't do it. This daughter was the most talented and strongest craftsman of the Jin family's youth. If the loss were here today, it would be very worthless.

Jin Ling'er has always been arrogant, and the head of the Jin family has no time to stop her.

Jun Mohuang sneered: "Who are you, why should I accept your challenge, and why should I be convinced. If I am the queen of the Nine Nether Realms in the future, why should I want your approval."

Everyone jumped out and announced that they would challenge her. With the attitude of the demons in the Nine Nether Realm that hated her, wouldn't she be so busy.

Jin Linger continued to say in a haughty tone: "This lady is the most talented refiner of the younger generation of the Jin family, and the most talented and strongest refiner of the younger generation in the entire Nine Nether Realm."

"If you win this young lady in refining, you will be the most powerful refining master among the younger generation of Nine Nether Realm."

"and then."

Jun Mohuang leaned in Di Lingtian's arms and asked lazily, obviously not interested in this matter.

"Then, you barely obtained the qualification to be the future queen of the Nine Nether Realm, at least in terms of refining."

Jin Linger looked at Jun Mohuang with jealous eyes, wishing that the person in Emperor Lingtian's arms was himself at this time.

"Jun Mohuang, don't think that you can be favored by the emperor. By using the emperor's power to suppress others, you can become the queen of the future."

"You rely on the emperor's fox to fake the power, even if you kill us all, but every witch in our Nine Nether Realm will not accept you!"

"You have to look and have no looks, you have to have no figure, you have no strength, why do you get the favor of the emperor, and why sit in the position of the future queen!"

"If you want us to be convinced, don't just shrink into the arms of the emperor, and conquer us with your skills!"

Jin Linger got more and more excited.

She claims to be the most talented and most powerful refiner among the younger generation of Nine Nether World.

(End of this chapter)

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