Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1450: Jun Mohuang's Challenge 1

Chapter 1450 The Challenge of Jun Mohuang 1

His life is to raise the level of the family to the first level, that is, the level of the eight major families, and then marry the emperor, and become the future queen of the future.

Unexpectedly, after working hard for so long, Jin Ling'er couldn't accept it when he killed a Jun Mohuang out of thin air.

"Everyone said, is it so!"

Jin Ling'er was not enough when she finished talking. She looked around the hall and began to agitate other demons.

"Yes, Miss Ling'er is right, why is Jun Mohuang!"

"Jun Mohuang, if you have the ability, you will prove your ability today, and indeed kill us in every aspect, otherwise, if you let the emperor kill us, all the demons in the Nine Nether Realm will not recognize you!"

Jin Ling'er's words instantly evoked the resentment towards Jun Mohuang in the hearts of countless demon girls.

Why can Jun Mohuang get this position for nothing?

And these witches, usually can't even see the emperor.

In order to see the emperor, in order to impress the emperor, he worked hard to cultivate, desperately trying to achieve various achievements in the field he was good at.

They thought that as long as they worked hard enough and were good enough, as long as they were given time, they would definitely get the attention and love of the emperor.

In the end, Jun Mohuang stole the fruits of victory, not only Jin Linger was dissatisfied, but also other Demon girls.

They had planned to give Jun Mohuang an offense tonight.

Just now because of the arrival of Di Lingtian, they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

That's why I endured it for a while and didn't choose anything.

Jin Ling'er stood up and pointed out the matter directly, and they didn't need to pretend.

The demon girls in the main hall one after another aimed at Jun Mohuang's voice, and the aura of Emperor Lingtian's body instantly chilled.

"The deity has only been in seclusion for three months, but your courage is getting bigger and bigger. In front of the deity, you dare to bully the deity's woman like this."

Di Ling's **** eyes flashed with a faint light, and his thin lips curled up.

"Emperor, the little girl is so young and ignorant, she ran into the emperor and Miss Jun, and please forgive the emperor!"

Patriarch Jin family noticed the change in Di Ling's weather and immediately stood up and bowed in the direction of Di Ling Tian.

Emperor Zun smiled, it doesn't mean that he is in a good mood, on the contrary, this is a very terrible thing.

"The emperor, the little girl is young and ignorant, and we have no way to discipline. Please see that the emperor will be punished lightly for their true love and admiration for the emperor. The subordinates will definitely discipline their daughter when they return home. I won’t let what happened today again."

There are more Patriarchs, following the pace of the Jin Family Patriarch, kneeling to Emperor Lingtian.

These Patriarchs also took their daughters to kneel.

Fortunately, fortunately, I have so many daughters, Emperor Zun really wants to get angry and kill for Jun Mohuang, and losing a daughter will not cost much.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how the daughters make trouble, it does not involve the family level.

"Ling'er, what are you messing around, don't hurry up and apologize to Emperor Emperor and Miss Jun!"

The other Patriarchs held an indifferent attitude, but the Jin Patriarch could not give up Jin Ling'er.

Jin Linger is the future hope of their Jin family.

Jin Linger is only sixteen years old this year, and has been a senior craftsman after less than eight years of learning craftsmanship, capable of crafting fairy craft weapons.

If he wants him to have a hundred daughters, he can't give birth to a genius like Jin Ling'er.

(End of this chapter)

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