Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1448: Treat all kinds of dissatisfaction 3

Chapter 1448 Special treatment of various dissatisfaction 3

"Father, Sister Yao Yao, save me!"

The demon girl quickly asked her father and Mu Yaoyao for help.

But neither her father nor Mu Yaoyao responded.

Soon, the demon girl was pulled out of the hall by the man in black.

Quiet quickly in the hall.

Everyone was silent.

It turned out that the emperor defended this Jun Mohuang in this way.

Just now, the emperor was watching her from facing Jin Yaner's difficulties, because the emperor knew in his heart that Jun Mohuang would definitely succeed.

That's why I didn't oppose the Jin family's move to give Jin Zhiling.

Emperor Zun really favors her!

"It turns out that Miss Jun can refine tools."

Kim Yuna's face was ugly.

This woman, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, pretending to be incapable of refining tools, she actually succeeded in refining the golden feathers of their Jin family very casually.

Jun Mohuang asked back: "When did I say that I didn't talk about refining? You think I can't refining, it's just what you think."

"Miss Jin, not everything in this world is what you think."

As Jun Mohuang spoke, his conversation quickly changed.

"However, you said a good thing just now. I am the future queen of the Nine Nether Realm. I naturally have my own advantages."

She raised her delicate jaw slightly, her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she glanced at Jin Yuna and everyone below.

"Nine Nether Realm really did not disappoint me, let me have a look, what surprises you will give me next."

Jun Mohuang slowly looked around the audience, finished speaking in the tone of the hostess, and sat back beside Di Lingtian.

What Jin Ling.

There is no refining material in this world, and the ink flame cannot be refined.

The true fire of the Mo people in the heavenly spirit world is above all flames in the world.

Jun Mohuang sat down, Di Lingtian's arm, familiar with the way, wrapped her waist.

Kim Yuna: "..."

All demons: "..."

Jin Yuna was aggrieved, her lips tightly pressed.

To be able to refine Jin Zhiling so easily, his knowledge in refining tools must not be low.

In the end, he meant to spread news to her, saying that Jun Mohuang is useless and knows nothing!

This inaccurate news caused their Jin family to lose their heirlooms in vain and make Jun Mohuang cheaper.

If the person who sent the messenger of this person can be found, Jin Yuna will definitely beat her up to vent her hatred.

After bowing to Di Lingtian, he had to withdraw.

The Patriarch of the Jin Family and everyone in the Jin Family are all pained.

The family heirloom is gone, no one is willing to put it on anyone's head, and it hurts.

What can they say, deliberately donating Jin Zhiling to embarrass Jun Mohuang, and then take the opportunity to ridicule her for being unworthy of being a queen. It was agreed by the whole family.

If you die by yourself, you can do it on your knees.

In front of the emperor, let alone repentance, they couldn't even show their reluctance, they could only admit it.

"This Jun Mohuang, she actually knows how to refine tools, and has successfully refined Jin Zhiling!"

"Yes, the emperor looked at her differently, and called her the queen of devil in front of us."

"Listening to Jun Mohuang's tone, I really regard myself as the mistress of the Nine Nether World Realm! Sister Demon, what should I do!"

The demon girls around Mu Yaoyao couldn't help but worry.

They came to see Jun Mohuang making ugliness and made the emperor hate her.

It's not that she came to the limelight, so that the emperor loved her more than ever.

"Don't worry, this is the first family to find fault."

(End of this chapter)

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