Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1447: Treat all kinds of dissatisfaction 2

Chapter 1447 Special treatment of various dissatisfaction 2

"What's the matter, she is smiling, can it be said that it succeeded?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, that is the Golden Ling that the emperor can't refine, how could Jun Mohuang be able to refine it!"

"Ken failed, and now I still want to hide it in this way!"

Jun Mohuang's smile made the witches who followed her feel incredible.

No matter what, Jun Mohuang is absolutely impossible to succeed, absolutely!

There was always a confident smile on the corner of Kim Yuna's lips.

Obviously he is very confident in his own Jin Zhiling.

But Jun Mohuang's next action broke the fantasy of all the demons.

Jun Mohuang stood up and threw the phoenix wings into the hall.

The phoenix wings, which were not as big as a palm, were long in the wind, and the width of the wings increased to ten meters.

The phoenix wings galloped past the main hall, and a black lightning flashed with gold rims blowing a gust of wind.

Blow the hair of every demon under the hall.

The smile on Jun Mohuang's lips gradually enlarged, and the speed... actually increased four times the original speed.

Very good, she will be able to run away after she has oiled the soles of her feet and summoned the Phoenix Wing under her eyelids facing the Yuanhuang realm powerhouse.

There is no longer any need to worry that the powerful Yuanhuangjing will catch up with the Phoenix Wing, and there is no longer any need to worry that the speed is not enough to fly in the sky, and it will become the living target of the Yuanhuangjing powerhouse.

Her speed is fast enough that she doesn't need to be as embarrassed as she was when she was besieged by the eight masters last time.

This is simply a great weapon to escape.

"Yes, I like this gift very much."

Jun Mohuang retracted the phoenix wing and looked at the circle of golden feathers on the edge of the phoenix wing, very satisfied.

Below, Jin Yan'er looked at the circle of golden feathers, she was completely dumbfounded and speechless.

Above the hall, there was a sound of cold breath.

"She...she actually succeeded! is this possible!"

All the demons waited and stared at the Phoenix Wing in her hand.

The group of demon girls headed by Mu Yaoya almost fell to the ground with their eyes.

The circle of golden feathers, glittering with gold, almost blinded them.

The Golden Ling of the Jin family, the Golden Ling that even the emperor can't refining, was refined by Emperor Mohuang in ten minutes. How could this be possible!

Could it be that Jun Mohuang is better than Emperor Zun in this respect, no, this is absolutely impossible!

"No, I don't believe it! It must be fake!"

A demon girl beside Mu Yaoyao couldn't help standing up, and said loudly.

"Fake? It seems that this young lady needs to heal her eyes."

Stroking the circle of golden feathers on the phoenix wing, looking at the stunned expressions of this group of demons, Jun Mohuang was in a great mood.

Fake, is this demon girl a brain-dead.

If she could quadruple the speed of Huang Yi's fraud, she wouldn't have to be so embarrassed if she fled for her life in the Bafang Profound Realm the other day.

"Are your ears deaf? Didn't you hear what the Queen said just now?"

Di Ling Tianqu lifted his slender and beautiful fingers and knocked on the table.

Immediately, a man in black walked out of the darkness in the hall and dragged the demon girl down.

"Emperor, forgive me, Emperor, the courtier will never dare again..."

The demon girl suddenly panicked when she saw the man in black who appeared suddenly and took her arm and dragged herself out.

She hadn't learned about Emperor Zun's methods, but she often heard her father mention them.

If Jun Mohuang wants her to heal her eyes, her eyes will definitely suffer.

For her pleading, Di Lingtian looked indifferent and didn't even look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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