Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1446: Treat all kinds of dissatisfaction 1

Chapter 1446 Special treatment of various dissatisfaction 1

Jin Yuna felt more proud of the voice behind the hall.

She began to expect that Jun Mohuang personally admitted that she would not, and returned Jin Zhiling to her.

"It's not anything, it's all what you think."

"Does your Jin family really plan to give this broken feather to me?"

Jun Mohuang picked up the golden feather from the brocade box and shook it towards Jin Yaner.

Jin Yuna replied, "Of course, as long as you..."

Her words as long as "Miss Jun can refine" haven't finished.

Jun Mohuang interrupted her and said faintly, "Very well, just wait for your Jin family not to feel distressed."

"Ling Tian, ​​how to refine this stuff."

The golden feather of Jun Mohuang swayed before Di Lingtian's eyes.

Her tone and attitude were casual, as if the golden feather in her hand was really just a broken feather.

"Close it and the Phoenix Wing in the cauldron at the same time, refining it with flames for ten minutes."

As soon as Emperor Lingtian finished speaking, Jun Mohuang summoned the Golden Swallowing Ding, threw in the shrinking phoenix wings and the golden Ling, closed the lid, and summoned the black flame to begin refining.


Jin Yan'er saw Jun Mohuang throw the Jin Ling into the refining within a second, and the whole person was confused.

What exactly did Jun Mohuang think, he actually wanted to refine it on the spot.

Jin Zhiling's refining is so difficult, she has already explained to her very clearly, Jun Mo Huang knows that she has to try if she fails, is she crazy or stupid? !

The demon girls headed by Mu Yaoyao obviously couldn't understand Jun Mohuang's actions.

"Did she have water in her mind? She actually refined it on the spot."

It's shameful not to be able to refining, and you have to lose face when refining fails on the spot.

They had never seen someone like Jun Mohuang who rushed to embarrass themselves.

"Maybe it's anxious, and if you get confused, you can do things regardless of the consequences."

Han Yiyi smiled ironically.

"Yes, Jun Mohuang has always regarded himself as the queen of the future. He has been praised too high. He has forgotten who he is, how many catties he is. Of course he can't save face when he encounters this kind of thing. "

"Who she thinks she is, the emperor is nothing but the golden Ling of refining, why can she refining!"

"No matter what, this drama is getting more and more exciting."

All demons put their sights on the gold swallowing cauldron summoned by Jun Mohuang.

They could not wait to see Jun Mohuang fail.

The demons here looked at the ink-colored flames jumping under the Golden Swallowing Cauldron.

I don't know why, the ink flames Jun Mohuang used to refine the vessel gave them a very uncomfortable feeling.

This uncomfortable feeling is exactly the same as the blood pressure felt when encountering one's own blood and a higher blood.

How could it be possible that Jun Mohuang had the blood of the human race and the spirit race, and did not have the blood of the demon race.

The flames she summoned were black, and looked plain.

How could it be possible to have a sense of coercion on their bloodline that is unique to high-level bloodlines, they are rooted in the blood of the demon race.

This must be an illusion, an illusion!

The demons shook their heads and threw this idea behind them.

In the thought that all the demons thought that Jun Mohuang was absolutely impossible to succeed, ten minutes passed quickly.

Jun Mohuang opened the gold swallowing cauldron, turned off the flame, and took out the shrinking phoenix wings.

The phoenix wings, which were not as big as a palm, were spread out on the palm of her hand, and the circle of black feathers under the two little wings had all turned into golden feathers.

Jun Mohuang's lips twitched slightly, and she succeeded in refining the Jin Family's Jin Zhi Ling.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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