Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1431: There is this operation 1

Chapter 1431 also has this kind of operation 1

The slit on the skirt became bigger immediately.

"Miss Yaoyao!"

"Wow, Miss Yao Yao, you are so beautiful!"

"Let me drink Miss Yao Yao's bath water, I am willing!"

The demons below saw Mu Yaoyao's series of actions, and blood rushed to their foreheads instantly, and many people began to scream crazy for Mu Yaoyao.

Mu Yaoyao smiled with satisfaction, ha ha, why these demons commoners would shout for the beautiful demons, aren't they all good in nature?

What conspiracy and tricks Jun Mohuang used to have her effect?

However, Jun Mohuang's voice is still higher than hers now, and she has to make persistent efforts.

Mu Yaoyao leaned on the railing, kicked her feet, and two pairs of delicate embroidered shoes fell from the air.

"Wow, Miss Yaoyao's embroidered shoes!"

"Miss Yaoyao is getting a blessing! Get it fast!"

The common people of the demons below boiled with enthusiasm and began to **** the two shoes that Mu Yaoya had thrown down.

In order to **** her shoes, there was a commotion among the crowd.

"It's shameless to use this trick."

Mu Yaoyao's actions made the Demon youth who first proposed the name of Miss Jun Mohuang's Red Sister very upset.

"That is, what to grab, just a pair of torn shoes, not afraid of the smell of feet inside."

Next to him, another demon didn't bother to snort coldly.

Not all demons like Mu Yao Yao who is bold and unrestrained, these two people are the representatives of this.

Mu Yaoyao's diehard fan said: "Cut, you guys can't eat grapes or sour. Of course, the embroidered shoes of the No. 1 beauty of the Demon Race are delicious!"

"Fuck, it's disgusting."

The demon youth looked disgusted.

What the first beauty of the Demon Clan, Mu Yaoyao, is his little sister in red!

"Everyone, work harder and shout for Miss Red Sister, we are all **** by Mu Yaoyao's people!"

Seeing Mu Yaoyao's high voice catching up, the demon youth was quite indignant.

But his appeal was useless, and now everyone was paying attention to Mu Yaoyao's performance.

After Mu Yaoyao dropped the two embroidered shoes, she managed to level the situation.

However, this is not her last resort.

Hehe, she still has something to do.

Mu Yaoyao changed a posture on the railing, slowly took out a small dress from the hollow space below her collarbone, and threw it down.

"Miss Yaoyao!"

"Miss Yaoyao is so good!"

"Wow, Miss Yao Yao is so generous!"

"Miss Yaoyao, I love you!"

"Miss Yaoyao, love you for ten thousand years!"

As the light and fluttering cloth floated down, the demons below had gone crazy.

They shouted loudly to express their love and loyalty to Mu Yaoyao, frantically rushing to the place where the piece of cloth would fall.

If it weren't for Emperor Lingtian's presence, they couldn't fly in the air, they would have flew up and grabbed it.

The voice shouting for Jun Mohuang instantly became sparse.

Mu Yaoyao achieved her goal and looked back at the highest deck, giving Jun Mohuang a provocative smile in the void.

The highest deck was encrypted and processed by Emperor Lingtian. She could not see Jun Mohuang, but Jun Mohuang and Emperor Zun could see her.

Mu Yaoyao's series of methods all captured the essence and vitality of the demons below who would shout for the noble lady.

But it's just for beauty and color.

She didn't believe that Jun Mohuang could beat her in this respect.

Emperor Zun is by his side, if Jun Mohuang learns her method, hehe, just wait to fall out of favor.

(End of this chapter)

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