Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1432: There is this operation 2

Chapter 1432 There is this kind of operation 2

If she didn't learn her methods, she would have won this battle without gunpowder.

In any case, Mu Yaoyao is a win-win situation.

Jun Mohuang, there is no chance of a comeback.

"There is this kind of operation?"

Jun Mohuang looked at the Mu Yaoyao wriggling on the third deck railing below, expressing shock.

Are the witches of the Nine Nether Realm so open?

In order to have such vain admiration and love, even this kind of thing can be done.

Thinking about Di Lingtian's ability to maintain cleanliness and self-care in such a harsh environment, Jun Mohuang suddenly felt that it was really not easy for him.

"Ling Tian, ​​I think she can twist it well, how do I feel."

Jun Mohuang suddenly asked Di Lingtian in a joking tone.


Di Lingtian didn't even bother to look at Mu Yaoyao below.

"You didn't even look at it. How do you know that you are disgusting, Ling Tian, ​​others are twisting so hard, it is not to seduce you, you just look at the pitiful others."

Jun Mohuang shook Emperor Lingtian's arm.

"Huang'er, you don't need to test me in this way. Except for you, I have no interest in other women."

Di Lingtian raised his hand and gave her a bounce.

"The magic palace is coming soon. If you don't want to fight back, this woman will win."


Jun Mohuang was not interested in the admiration and love of the civilians in the Nine Nether Realm. If she lost, she lost. She didn't care.

But Mu Yaoyao, this woman, did all this obviously for her man.

Also provoke her, if she doesn't fight back, I'm sorry for her character.

"Then Lingtian, you have to spend money."

Jun Mohuang's black jewel-like eyes flashed slyly.

Extending the sinful hand to the space ring in Di Lingtian's hand.

In the past, Jun Mohuang knew exactly what he would put in each space ring.

Di Lingtian immediately opened the space ring she had selected.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and grabbed it casually.

"Miss Red Sister, don't bother to talk to the emperor, Mu Yaoyao, that shameless person, will almost compare you to you!"

Below, the demon youth looked worried.

Jun Mohuang had decided to be the first fan of the opposite sex, but he couldn't just be suppressed by Mu Yaoyao with despicable means.

The people supporting Jun Mohuang around the youth of the Demon Race were very angry at Mu Yaoyao's behavior.

"Hahaha, our Miss Yaoyao is amazing!"

"You red party, give up!"

Mu Yaoyao sneered when she saw it.

"Miss Red Sister has moved."

The Demon youth was about to fight back when suddenly someone nearby shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately looked up.

Mu Yaoyao's brain-dead fans were about to ridicule, and after seeing what was falling from the sky, they couldn't speak.

"The pill, it is actually a pill!"

Someone looked at the white jade bottle falling from the sky and shouted in excitement.

"I'm going, it's a grandmaster-level pill!"

Someone had quick eyesight and quick hands, and luckily, they grabbed the first white jade bottle that fell.

After opening the white jade bottle and seeing the level of the medicine pill, he almost fainted with excitement.

"Wow, now I'm rich, I'm rich!"

"If I can grab a grandmaster-level broken spirit pill, I will definitely be promoted to the Yuanzong realm next month, grab it!"

For a while, the demons who were still frantically robbing Mu Yaoyao to throw down the cloth pieces, one after another turned their attention to the pill that Jun Mohuang did not need money.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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