Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1430: Call 6 crazy for Miss Red Sister

Chapter 1430 Crazy Call 6 for Miss Red Sister

"Admiration and affection... This is the first time I have seen me, and I am a half-spirited person, admire me, love me, are they crazy?"

Jun Mohuang expressed his shock at this.

How could it be possible that there is such a civilized Demon Race in the Nine Nether Realm.

"Far away, they can't feel the blood of the spirit race on your body. The traditional rules are whoever is the most beautiful, they crazily admire who they love."

Di Lingtian looked at the demons below who had fallen into enthusiasm for Jun Mohuang, and suddenly the vinegar king was on his upper body.

Huang'er is his alone, so what are these people coming to join in the fun!

"...This standard is really simple and rude."

"Ling Tian, ​​I know how you know the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether World."

Jun Mohuang suddenly realized it, and looked at the perfect profile of Di Lingtian's face meaningfully.

"It's no wonder you are so bad to your subordinates. These demons are still working hard and letting him drive. That's why."

This standard is simple and rude, very practical for the demons.

Generally speaking, the higher the strength and the higher the pedigree, the pure demons will look more beautiful, regardless of male or female.

It's not unreasonable for the demons to look at people's looks.

"They do this to women."

Helpless, Di Lingtian squeezed Jun Mohuang's face with his hand.

This little girl is thinking about something crazy.

He was the Demon Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm back then, on the one hand, it was because of his blood line, on the other hand, he was killed by a blood path, and he has today's status.


Jun Mohuang covered his face.

"Come on, it won't hurt if I rub it."

Di Lingtian talked about rubbing, but actually bowed his head and kissed him.

"Wow, Miss Red Sister asked Emperor Zun to take the initiative to offer her mouth, Miss Red Sister is mighty!"

"Miss red, please take my knees!"

The interaction between Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang made the enthusiasm of the demonic civilians who shouted for Jun Mohuang instantly boiling.

In their impression, the emperor treats women as cold as a 10,000-year glacier, and has always dismissed it.

Now, they actually saw Emperor Zun taking the initiative.

Thousand-year-old iron tree is blooming, incredible, incredible!

The third layer of the black huge boat.

"Monster, what to do, we are completely suppressed by Jun Mohuang."

Han Yiyi's face was even worse than that of a dead father.

According to her and Mu Yaoyao's plan, this was their first plan to severely damage Jun Mohuang.

You must make sure that there is no shouting for Jun Mohuang, and you must make her embarrassed and ugly, so that Emperor Zun will leave an impression on herself and Mu Yaoyao.

As a result, he didn't know what conspiracy and tricks Jun Mohuang had used, causing the situation to turn over instantly.

Just now, I didn't know what she had done, and the shouts for her and Mu Yaoyao were completely suppressed.

I can't even hear it now.

The enthusiasm of everyone, Du Jun Mohuang was taken to her side.

"I have a way."

Mu Yaoyao bit her lip.

Jun Mohuang, you really are not a fuel-efficient lamp.

With such a face, it can be turned so beautifully.

She underestimated the enemy.

But so what, she Mu Yaoyao can also move back to the situation.

After the enthusiasm of the common people of the Demon Race towards Jun Mo Phoenix calmed down to the normal level just now, Mu Yaoyao suddenly lightly tapped her toes and leaped lightly.

Sitting on the railing on the deck in an extremely enchanting posture.

In an instant, this movement of her attracted the attention of many demons below.

Mu Yaoyao pretended to tidy up her clothes and pulled the skirt of her skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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