Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1429: Call 5 crazy for Miss Red

Chapter 1429 Crazy Call 5 for Miss Red Sister

The demon youth finally said: "No matter what, let's just call her Miss Red Sister."

Even if they were fools, they could see that the relationship between Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian was unusual, but they couldn't tell whether she would be the queen of the future.

After much deliberation, it is most appropriate to call her Miss Red Sister.

The demons around the youth of the demons all agreed.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the specific name. In short, they must shout loudest and loudest for Miss Red Sister.

To overwhelm Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi, to let everyone know that Miss Red Sister is the most beautiful and beautiful one.

Let the red lady feel their love.

The demon youth said: "Okay, everyone get ready, I'm counting down to three and two, everyone shout together!"

"Three, two, one!"

After the countdown to the youth of the Demon Race, the surrounding dozens of Demon Race shouted together: "Miss Red Sister!"

Even the old demon who had lived for more than a thousand years was also enthusiastic and joined the young people.

"Miss Red Sister!"

These more than a dozen people were very few compared to those who shouted for Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi.

But it quickly triggered a knock-on effect.

Except for Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi, the **** fans of the brains, they went to find them at the first time according to their inertia and shouted frantically for them.

Most of the demons noticed Jun Mohuang the first time and were shocked by her appearance.

They wanted to shout for her a long time ago, but they didn't know her, and they really didn't know what to call.

Someone will take the lead in shouting "Miss Red Sister", and those demons who don't know how to call Jun Mohuang immediately understand.

Also began to join the team shouting "Miss Red Sister".

This is too obvious. On the black flying boat, only Jun Mohuang wears red.

The shouting for Miss Red Sister, instantly spread like a virus, and soon overwhelmed the shouts of Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi.

"Who is Miss Red Sister! Why is the shout suddenly louder than Sister Yao Yao and Sister Yiyi."

On the black flying boat, the triumphant demons soon discovered that something was wrong.

"I don't know, no one of us is wearing red clothes!"

"And what the **** is Miss Red Sister? These civilians shout for us, and they will call us directly."

Just when the demon girls wondered who Miss Red Sister was.

Mu Yaoyao coldly said, "It's Jun Mohuang."

"What! How is this possible!"

"Uh, Jun Mohuang's attire is indeed red. But she looks pretty good at best. How can she compare with Sister Yao Yao and Sister Yiyi."

"That's right, why is her loud voice louder than Sister Yaoyao and Sister Yiyi, this commoner has got water in his brain and his eyes are blind!"

The demon girls were extremely puzzled, even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Of course they didn't know, they changed their faces from the Jun Mohuang they saw in the Bafang Profound Realm, deliberately changing their appearance to mediocre.

Mu Yaoyao and Han Yiyi looked ugly. They were beaten in the face by Jun Mohuang in the air, which was uncomfortable.

The two of them couldn't figure out why.

The top of the black flying boat.

Facing the high voices one after another from below, Jun Mohuang quickly realized that the "Miss Red Sister" in the mouth of these demons refers to her.

Jun Mohuang asked Xiangdi Lingtian: "What are they doing."

"This is a way for them to express their admiration and affection."

(End of this chapter)

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