Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1357: External skills MAX2

Chapter 1357 External Skill MAX2

Because she knew that what Chi Chi said was true.

Jun Mohuang is the future queen recognized by the emperor.

However, Mu Yaoyao didn't want other witches to know this.

If they know, they have scruples in their hearts, and they will be afraid to deal with Jun Mohuang.

She was also waiting for Jun Mohuang to be killed by other Mo girls, and how could she tell them to get rid of this rival.

Mu Yaoyao said again: "Attention everyone, there is a big waterfall ahead. According to the map, we have to pass through this waterfall. Behind the waterfall is the heart of the water mirror. This waterfall is very dangerous. The family power is not there. All of us. We must be more vigilant and must not be taken lightly!"

"Don't worry, Sister Yao Yao, we will be careful."

"Yes, the strength of the water mirror's heart is not dependent on anyone flying fast."

"Hmph, just because of Jun Mohuang's strength, she must not even be able to pass this waterfall!"

Mu Yaoyao's words successfully caused these demons to focus on the big waterfall that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Ahead, the waterfall hung in the air like a silver pike.

No one can see where it starts, and no one can see the edges on both sides of it.

This waterfall seems to merge with the heaven and the earth, acting as a bridge between the heaven and the earth.

Jun Mohuang flew to the waterfall and landed.

This waterfall is different from any waterfall she climbed before.

Because it is too big, the current is extremely turbulent, if you don't pay attention, you will lose your footing and be carried away by the current.

Jun Mohuang looked at Chi Chi: "Chi Chi, are you sure you want to pass through here?"

Chi Chi nodded: "Yes, the hostess, according to the map guidance given by the master, it is indeed the case. Behind is the location of the heart of the water mirror. The entire mirror world, just this waterfall and the heart of the water mirror are very dangerous. "

"I see, let's go together."

Jun Mohuang looked at the waterfall thoughtfully for two seconds.

Isn't it just a waterfall? Isn't the flow velocity a bit larger, and the impact force is a bit larger.

She has experience in practicing water pincers, and waterfalls are simply impossible.

Jun Mohuang and Chi Chi entered the waterfall together.

"Look, that woman and Chi are all in!"

In the air, a demon girl pointed at the waterfall and shouted.

Mu Yaoyao analyzed: "Even if the current is so large, even if Chidu Tong is in the Yuanhuang Realm, it will take at least a day and a half to take her through the waterfall. When Chidu takes the woman through the waterfall, we Maybe they all succeeded in getting the heart of the water mirror."

"Yes, when the woman worked so hard to cross the waterfall, we found that the heart of the water mirror was taken by us, and she was mad at her!"

When Yu Yanrou thought of this scene, she felt very good.

A woman who wants beauty but not beauty, body, figure, body, strength and strength, the emperor sees the true face of Jun Mohuang and will definitely no longer like her.

After all, with her jade smoke, soft beads and jade in front, what is Jun Mohuang.

The thoughts of all the demons were similar to Yu Yanrou.

They descended from space to the side of the waterfall with full confidence and stepped into the waterfall.

But before entering the waterfall, the cruel reality made them feel uncomfortable.

"Ah, it hurts!"

The huge impact of the waterfall water hit them, and the demon girls let out a cry of pain.


There were also three demon girls who were unable to stand steady under the impact of the current, and fell directly into the current and were washed out.

The update is complete today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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