Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1356: External skills MAX1

Chapter 1356 External Skill MAX1

Upon seeing this, Yu Yanrou immediately shouted: "Everyone, hurry up and launch an attack, don't let her escape!"

As soon as Yu Yanrou's words fell, the demon girls launched an attack.

Ahead, Jun Mohuang's black wings closed, and a harrier turned over in the air, making a clean turn, avoiding all attacks flexibly.

Han Yiyi shouted: "Damn it, she avoided it all! Don't take it lightly this time, you must use your full strength!"

They have to use aura to maintain their wings while attacking, and the effect will definitely be lower than usual.

Seeing that Jun Mohuang did not have the strength of the first-stage late stage of Yuanzun realm, she couldn't help being despised.

In this attack, even the usual Sicheng did not play out.

With a full blow, they can definitely hit with one blow, smashing the black wings of Jun Mo Phoenix.

This time, all the demon girls sent their full blow.

However, their attack was still half the distance from Jun Mohuang, and there was a violent aura in the air.

A huge spiritual balloon wiped out all the attacks they launched with a crushing force.

All the demon girls looked terrified, and they made a move.

"You are so courageous to attack the future queen. Next time if you attack the future queen, don't blame me for being rude!"

In the air, Chi Chi looked at these demon girls and sternly scolded.

These girls are the daughters of the big family of the Nine Nether Realm.

Their father or grandfather, a high-ranking position in the Nine Nether Realm, was a strong minister of Emperor Lingtian, and made countless contributions to the Nine Nether Realm.

So Chi Chi did not have the authority to deal with these demons in the first place.

Chi Chi glanced at these girls in warning again, his wings flicked, and he speeded up to follow Jun Mohuang.

A woman beside Mu Yaoyao said, "What should I do, let her escape!"

"Furthermore, Chidu Tong actually said that she is the queen of the future, should we do it?"

Another demon girl was less courageous, and was shocked by the words "Future Demon Queen" running out of Chi Chi.

What's going on? Didn't it mean that Yuyanrou was the queen of the future? How could she suddenly become Jun Mohuang again?

Even if she is upset that Yu Yanrou will become the future queen, but no matter what, Yu Yanrou will be better than a lowly dual-blooded woman who becomes a queen.

Yu Yanrou bit her lip: "Hmph, what kind of future queen is she, this young lady is just a toy for the emperor when she is bored!"

Han Yiyi also nodded and said, "Yes, Chidutong's mission this time is obviously to protect her. This is Chidutong's intention to frighten us like this in order to complete his mission."

"Yes, sister Yiyi is right, it must be like this."

Han Yiyi's statement was unanimously approved by the demons.

This time, for the first time, no one refuted Yu Yanrou's title of future queen.

"You Yao, what do you think."

Han Yiyi looked at Mu Yaoyao and asked her opinion.

Among all the people, Mu Yaoyao is the smartest one.

Ever since she met Jun Mohuang and asked Chi Chi a question, she never spoke again.

"What to worry about, flying fast, does it mean that you can get the heart of the water mirror? Don't forget, the heart of the water mirror depends on your own strength, she is definitely not our opponent. "

Mu Yaoyao directly avoided the topic about whether Jun Mohuang is the future queen of the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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